Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mild Fluid In Pouch Of Douglas Etiology

PIAVENSE CHROME: A emblematic case, a normal

The story of a company Musile di Piave, but could very well be in another place e. .. would not be out of place

The Via Emilia a long, narrow street that divides the country musilese: many fields, mainly vineyards, but there are not only crops, also happen to see companies, mostly small and almost always extensions or housing or even some of the dwellings themselves. At one point Street, specifically at number 6, we see a stable to a plane, rundown and facing a canal east of the Mincio. Upstairs, there 'a sort of terrace with satellite dishes, clothes hung out, looked short lived: given the context, come to think of makeshift housing, precarious, certainly rented out to immigrants.
To remove any doubt about the nature of this building, we think a nice post written in huge letters on the wall of the building that reads: CHROME PIAVENSE.
Yes, here, at number 6 on Via Emilia, waiting for the building collapses or is found not fit for use, there is' everything from rented accommodation and company.
What does this company? Whose is it? and for several years is the subject of attention? The Chrome
Piavense Ltd for many years with offices in Emilia, is a chrome metal that takes in its manufacturing process an extremely hazardous substance such as hexavalent chromium. It has 25 employees, including 15 Senegalese, and some of them are housed in the floor.
official acts by him who is being the owner died a couple of months ago, but it is doubtful and was questioned on the actual role of this character. It 'much more interesting to understand, however, the links that exist between the alleged owners of the company and a company, which has Trentin & Bowling companies similar to Meolo and Castelfranco Veneto: the intention was known by that building and replace with a new structure that is now crumbling, in a land they own. The first activity
attention 'of this company date back to 2002, when spills were detected not allowed in the nearby canal, to the point that there had been criminal proceedings, for which the Province had also claimed damages.
a result of these facts was issued the order banning the use of water for irrigation, water channels in the area, it was also decided the seizure of an underground channel, used for spills that flowed into the channel Mincio this conduct was, in effect, sealed the top and sides, becoming a sort of tank
As further evidence of damage caused to the environment, there is a decision of the Regional Council of Veneto, dated 30/12/2005 which provides for delivery of a contribution of € 56,000, for the reclamation of the relevant company.
Since then, despite these "bottlenecks", everything runs smoothly, as if nothing had happened. Smooth
up to 5 Luglio.2007
On this date Arpav policemen and technicians, at the request of City of Musile, applying for a site inspection in order (at least officially) to install peziometri to assess the state of the pitch.
Results of the checks is amazing: the channel seized and sealed at the time, proved to be a tank containing at least 8 cubic meters of liquid gold. The first analysis
ARPAV pointed out that it was water at very high concentrations of hexavalent chromium, a toxic and carcinogenic, with this values \u200b\u200b8000 times greater than that permitted by law.
In consequence of these facts, the company has been subjected to judicial investigation and equipment, seized by the 'court have been sealed by the Guardia di Finanza.
At this point of the story begins the "case Chroming Piavense. THE
convene a joint conference with Arpav, consortium of local health and rehabilitation, to assess what to do, is incredibly lacking in ASL.
The "fact" that creates apprehension in May is the state of the aquifer and the channel Mincio: the aquifer provides water to several rural wells and is connected to the watercourse (Mincio the east) and later joins the river Sile and where 'loaded with a catchment area of \u200b\u200bdrinking water.
A discussion of the matter is, the municipality of Musile, through the Mayor and Councillor Forcolin el'Arpav Teso, through its wholly lacking technical
Musile of the population, the area of \u200b\u200bVia Emilia workers. Case management is, therefore, only institutional. (Except for the speeches, the choir out of Fiom and Rifondazione Comunista)
completed jobs unrelated to any discussion, rendered invisible and completely cleared.
Yet most of them, especially among migrant workers are unionized with the CISL, and seems not to arouse special interest provisions that were part of the leadership, to disappear in a hurry, if tests of the Guardia di Finanza, as On the other hand, no office or department ASL 10 seems interested in their health status.
inexplicable that a small number of members had not elected a non-MSW and that, ever, until now, there has been a dispute concerning the conditions of safety and health.
On the environmental front, however, as the days pass, to reassure everyone thinks the Arpav: In fact, subsequent analysis confirmed that the damage to the environment are: polluted aquifers, polluted canal Mincio, too, wherever the presence of nickel and chromium IV, but everything below the danger threshold. The
Arpav no mention of the relationship between the sedimentation of these harmful elements in time and the endurance of the water before, to be considered polluted by law.
In reality, there is' nothing surprising in these results: the Arpav, for some time now reads the same script, but finds the critical scales the impact and harm, objectively placing itself as the guarantor of the status quo.
City Council in special session to certify the standards.
The opposition asks junta, aseptically and formal status of things and come through the Deputy Mayor, Teso, rattles off figures and dates, is credited with having discovered the potential time bomb for ecological , flies, scale without too much hand on the responsibilities of the previous administration left and center, collects the silent consent of the opposition and the final word on the matter. The only
gives us the thrill of sitting Councillor, when, lapidary, the company informs us that being impounded, the problem of workers there since, also well no longer exist either.
The rest is still in progress: the reclamation of the site was carried out by the same under the gaze of a couple of policemen, the company has in fact ceased to operate, and workers are still awaiting their fate, without the fact remains that there 'still a shred of ASL or other office that has yet bothered to assess their health conditions. A
Musile now, we talk about the other bridges, traffic, safety, etc. etc..
Yet this cabin company which required working conditions and safety which cry was highly relevant and updated: emblematic.
had acquired the surrounding area, almost a mo 'usufruct, to be used as a private landfill, counting on benign distraction of a population of small producers, culturally similar;
had taken modern industrial relations, raising the union itself a mediator, CA and even, placement, alignment by hand to the Bossi Fini, accommodation and work in exchange for silence and the right to stay to continue working. This has clearly understood the commissioner Teso, when he said that since there is no longer the company and then work, no longer had any meaning or legal significance, speaking immigrants.