Monday, December 31, 2007

Pin Mouse Bluetooth 5000

AMP, dilate, stretch and overturning OF ITALIAN WORDS OF ASMARA (Angelo Granara) AS ME!

WE ARE NOT and have never been pleasant and sweet like our nostalgia (dedicated to MOTHONI)

When I look back on the years in Eritrea assails me a sense of frustration because I feel deprived of a good and a advantage to which I diritto.O which, at least, thought to have diritto.La deprivation of this right has caused me a strong sense of disappointment that sometimes turns into resentment, bitterness and sadness and a kind of prolonged 'injustice against vita.Tutti these feelings mixed with deep and irrational love that bound me to you, dear Asmara, are the source of the strange disease that goes by the name of Mal d'Africa. But Mal d'Africa who has lived in Eritrea is something different from what you write and talk so much. It 'a kind of sweet insanity understandable, perhaps, that unrepeatable habitat, those conditions of life that today might be called "human scale" with abused espressione.L' Eritrea for many years was a successful example of multi-racial society: Eritreans, Italians, Indians, Yemenis, Greeks, English, Americans ... Catholics, Copts, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, all together they had reached a good level of harmony, as an alliance in the interest comune.Il set in all weather conditions in favor and fascinating landscape diversity.
But, in my opinion, the cornerstone of all quest'amalgama was the ownership of their own time, from the certainty, that is, not to depend almost exclusively from others. I try to explain. He had the confidence to plan their daily activities without having to consider the variables represented by traffic jams, queues at the counters, public transportation, events, elections, national, regional and comunali.Allora was different: there was no time to waste time , stopping at the bar to have coffee with friends, going home for lunch, but here in Italy I learned to eat standing up as the horses and football matches to book a meal or one week in advance. Looking back on all this I'm struck by the frustration that he was deprived of the right to manage my time. But then, I reflect and try to look at things objectively. I had this really right? By what right could I claim it in finding other people's homes? Because the truth is this, we were guests in Eritrea, and as guests we had no rights or momentary perpetui.A it now I realize that frustration, bitterness and disappointment have no reason to be, have the right to existence only nostalgia and regret for a period of life we \u200b\u200bhave and I was lucky enough to live. I regret my childhood memories that I remain while Eritrea remains for me the "sweet madness." Today Eritrea is far from me, hopelessly distant and alien to my everyday life, I can finally, slowly, recovering, accepting its harsh rules. Today, Eritrea to be me, means to fight and challenge the sense of pleasure and possession, which was also mine, and that turns into nostalgia-flavored fascist. Just was banished and stripped of everything, why we were thieves and murderers

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Birthday Wording For 3rd Birthday

The leopard can not change its spots: the failure of the euro-African summit in Lisbon

The wolf fur Europe has lost a lot from that di'che was now reduced to a sarcophagus that contains only old and worn relics unable to give meaning and substance policy to a subject, more and more unbearable, and bloated bureaucracy, compared with a Dome financial and business center. Or
well in early December, the European Union held a summit with African states, the highest level, involving seventy heads of state and government from Europe and Africa.
at the event was Lisbon, the capital of one of the historically African rapist. Subject
the historic event was the 'Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA) between the two continents, said more prosaically, it was to redesign and identify the guidelines of the African European relations. The relationship between the two continents, far from that idyllic, with more than 500 years and certainly have not taken the path that idyll in Lisbon.
Here, we would say "even" here, the EU has proved incapable of going beyond itself, beyond its historical past, ancient and recent, as well as their cultural patterns and concepts, as well as the insaldabili and eternal debt of gratitude to all the edicts and the stresses that come from North America. From
Merkel Sarkozy, Prodi and Zapatero to continue with the other, they had better things to offer that, creating a unique space for free trade in goods and services, allowing up to the possibility of excluding certain products or services, for a temporary time.
What can I say? Smart and original
On the other hand knows how even a novice student of the economy, free movement of goods and services, leading to the proper allocation of resources, development, material and spiritual welfare etc etc.. Of course it is!: Who could doubt if not a fool or a fool, that any company of Mozambique or Rwanda could freely compete with Germany rather than France? The shelves of our supermarkets, as you well know, plenty of products made in Ethiopia, made in Sudan, made in Ghana or Mali, not to mention the wonderful Hi Fi Burkina Faso or the beautiful and convenient Senegalese insurance agency. This is the fantasy world imagined by proponents of these recipes. We are the usual!
confuse Europeans, Freudian, an agreement or a treaty with the imposition of a model which is not only economic but also social and cultural, as if still not enough, then outsource the management of the devastating consequences of these policies, all ' anything but new, but at least thirty years, to philanthropy, in all its variants (Catholic, secular, progressive alternatives matrix even sessantottino) or emergency. The stick and the carrot of the order of almsgiving
Protectionism and the protection of strategic sectors that have been columns on which are formed all the Western economic powers, they become unbearable and heresies punishable if applied by others. Lisbon, however, take risks, despite the recipe dull, stale and repetitive, as proposed by the West, to become truly "historic".
E 'was the site of first refusal, almost collectively, the European proposal.
African states, with different accents and with few exceptions, have given rise to strong criticism and blatant waste. The Portuguese summit was the last act of a three lively and restless for the international relations of this immense and rich continent.
During these two years have already held bilateral meetings to Caracas, Beijing, are planned soon in Japan and India. The word liberal has no monopoly, is obsolete and even overcome, many of these countries.
Agreements descriptive treats and in many ways is already put into practice, would no longer be subordinated to instrumental protocols political, economic and financial institutions "to respect, the loans are no longer bound to wear rates that, in fact, make the bad loans but constantly conditioning and, above all implementation of the currency, speculative asset par excellence, as the only means of economic exchange. Enter into business relationships also staff training, building of social infrastructure and economic, the establishment of joint ventures.
This path is not linear, there are many pitfalls, contradictions and pitfalls, but remains the undoubted merit of calling in political discussions now elevated to the rank of dogma and of acts of faith and, above all the fact of giving the pile European arrogance and Western Europe. The leading role
Latin American, African and Sino-Indian objectively challenge the axis formed by the Washington Consensus (IMF, World Bank, blocking US / Europe) and, for the first time, puts viable alternative for those looking to escape the recipes neoliberal.
Europe, like the Lisbon summit has shown, can not get rid of the syndrome the looting and speculation.
The integration of the continent in the international economy and respect for human rights, but act as a Trojan horse is a horse naked, which, someone begins to order the eviction.


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Magnetize Metal Strips

SAFETY IS BUILT Primarily through adherence to legality 'BY INSTITUTIONS.

No doubt propagandistic initiative by certain mayors in the Veneto region around the arbitrary affixed by order of further restrictions beyond those required by law, registry entry of foreign nationals in their Communities . I will not dwell further on this aspect of political, but I want to emphasize that, even more disturbing side of the law.
As should be known to most people, in fact, our Constitution reserves to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state law on citizenship, civil status and register offices.
In no way does this matter may be the prerogative of regulatory authority or order of Mayors.
In fact, they act in the service population as government officials, or both, take on simple tasks management services that are full and exclusive state jurisdiction. This obliges them, apparently, to act only according to the dictates of the law.
And the law is very precise in such a sensitive field of administration, in which constitutional provisions are combined with full individual rights, universally recognized persons.
Both the tasks and the procedures to be taken in case of birth registration of citizens of non-EU and EU are, for reasons stated above, set out in detail since
For non-EU the problem does not arise since, in the context procedures for obtaining residence permits, the Police, first, verify that the conditions of income, employment and related to national security that does not preclude the issuance of residence permit, which, in itself, enrollment is eligible to register offices, according to the same rules as for Italian citizens.
is different for citizens Community. They may stay in the territory of the state, with their families, without any conditions and formalities for a period not exceeding three months. Instead, the EU citizen intends to stay for longer than three months, must show they have a job and sufficient resources for themselves and their families, so as not to weigh them dependent on social welfare and health of the country of residence . It can remain in Italy, also, to follow courses of study or vocational training. Point.
These are the rules and they must adapt to the mayors in the official register with them and the employees which has been paid a proxy to that effect. The rest is just talk, rambling chatter of those who want to pick up a handful of votes making a mockery of every norm and rule. There are no checks that the municipal authorities can do about a criminal record, either in Italy or abroad, since the prognosis of subjects on social dangerousness is the prerogative of governors and judges, there are denials all possible preventive 'birth registration, but the only possible future testing, for EU citizens, who spent three months from their arrival in Italy they are able to maintain, Ben
severe, would be the consequences of the breach by the Mayors of state standards regarding registry and marital status. They submit not only the body but the same ministry dell’Interno all’azione di risarcimento dei danni, ancora una volta a carico della comunità ed espongono l’Italia intera all’irrisione del resto d’Europa. Se si applicassero infatti i principi di reciprocità comunque vigenti in diritto internazionale, pensate a quanti italiani tornerebbero da Germania, Francia, Romania…
Insomma ce n’è abbastanza per ipotizzare reati quali l’abuso d’Ufficio, l’omissione di atti d’Ufficio, il non rispetto di trattati internazionali e direttive CEE. Credo, in conclusione, che, per il bene ed il prestigio del paese e per l’affermazione di un vero principio di legalità, corra l’obbligo, a questo punto, che le prefectures act for compliance with state proceedings if proof were needed, the activation of procedures for the removal of mayors inottemperanti.

Roberto Del Bello

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mild Fluid In Pouch Of Douglas Etiology

PIAVENSE CHROME: A emblematic case, a normal

The story of a company Musile di Piave, but could very well be in another place e. .. would not be out of place

The Via Emilia a long, narrow street that divides the country musilese: many fields, mainly vineyards, but there are not only crops, also happen to see companies, mostly small and almost always extensions or housing or even some of the dwellings themselves. At one point Street, specifically at number 6, we see a stable to a plane, rundown and facing a canal east of the Mincio. Upstairs, there 'a sort of terrace with satellite dishes, clothes hung out, looked short lived: given the context, come to think of makeshift housing, precarious, certainly rented out to immigrants.
To remove any doubt about the nature of this building, we think a nice post written in huge letters on the wall of the building that reads: CHROME PIAVENSE.
Yes, here, at number 6 on Via Emilia, waiting for the building collapses or is found not fit for use, there is' everything from rented accommodation and company.
What does this company? Whose is it? and for several years is the subject of attention? The Chrome
Piavense Ltd for many years with offices in Emilia, is a chrome metal that takes in its manufacturing process an extremely hazardous substance such as hexavalent chromium. It has 25 employees, including 15 Senegalese, and some of them are housed in the floor.
official acts by him who is being the owner died a couple of months ago, but it is doubtful and was questioned on the actual role of this character. It 'much more interesting to understand, however, the links that exist between the alleged owners of the company and a company, which has Trentin & Bowling companies similar to Meolo and Castelfranco Veneto: the intention was known by that building and replace with a new structure that is now crumbling, in a land they own. The first activity
attention 'of this company date back to 2002, when spills were detected not allowed in the nearby canal, to the point that there had been criminal proceedings, for which the Province had also claimed damages.
a result of these facts was issued the order banning the use of water for irrigation, water channels in the area, it was also decided the seizure of an underground channel, used for spills that flowed into the channel Mincio this conduct was, in effect, sealed the top and sides, becoming a sort of tank
As further evidence of damage caused to the environment, there is a decision of the Regional Council of Veneto, dated 30/12/2005 which provides for delivery of a contribution of € 56,000, for the reclamation of the relevant company.
Since then, despite these "bottlenecks", everything runs smoothly, as if nothing had happened. Smooth
up to 5 Luglio.2007
On this date Arpav policemen and technicians, at the request of City of Musile, applying for a site inspection in order (at least officially) to install peziometri to assess the state of the pitch.
Results of the checks is amazing: the channel seized and sealed at the time, proved to be a tank containing at least 8 cubic meters of liquid gold. The first analysis
ARPAV pointed out that it was water at very high concentrations of hexavalent chromium, a toxic and carcinogenic, with this values \u200b\u200b8000 times greater than that permitted by law.
In consequence of these facts, the company has been subjected to judicial investigation and equipment, seized by the 'court have been sealed by the Guardia di Finanza.
At this point of the story begins the "case Chroming Piavense. THE
convene a joint conference with Arpav, consortium of local health and rehabilitation, to assess what to do, is incredibly lacking in ASL.
The "fact" that creates apprehension in May is the state of the aquifer and the channel Mincio: the aquifer provides water to several rural wells and is connected to the watercourse (Mincio the east) and later joins the river Sile and where 'loaded with a catchment area of \u200b\u200bdrinking water.
A discussion of the matter is, the municipality of Musile, through the Mayor and Councillor Forcolin el'Arpav Teso, through its wholly lacking technical
Musile of the population, the area of \u200b\u200bVia Emilia workers. Case management is, therefore, only institutional. (Except for the speeches, the choir out of Fiom and Rifondazione Comunista)
completed jobs unrelated to any discussion, rendered invisible and completely cleared.
Yet most of them, especially among migrant workers are unionized with the CISL, and seems not to arouse special interest provisions that were part of the leadership, to disappear in a hurry, if tests of the Guardia di Finanza, as On the other hand, no office or department ASL 10 seems interested in their health status.
inexplicable that a small number of members had not elected a non-MSW and that, ever, until now, there has been a dispute concerning the conditions of safety and health.
On the environmental front, however, as the days pass, to reassure everyone thinks the Arpav: In fact, subsequent analysis confirmed that the damage to the environment are: polluted aquifers, polluted canal Mincio, too, wherever the presence of nickel and chromium IV, but everything below the danger threshold. The
Arpav no mention of the relationship between the sedimentation of these harmful elements in time and the endurance of the water before, to be considered polluted by law.
In reality, there is' nothing surprising in these results: the Arpav, for some time now reads the same script, but finds the critical scales the impact and harm, objectively placing itself as the guarantor of the status quo.
City Council in special session to certify the standards.
The opposition asks junta, aseptically and formal status of things and come through the Deputy Mayor, Teso, rattles off figures and dates, is credited with having discovered the potential time bomb for ecological , flies, scale without too much hand on the responsibilities of the previous administration left and center, collects the silent consent of the opposition and the final word on the matter. The only
gives us the thrill of sitting Councillor, when, lapidary, the company informs us that being impounded, the problem of workers there since, also well no longer exist either.
The rest is still in progress: the reclamation of the site was carried out by the same under the gaze of a couple of policemen, the company has in fact ceased to operate, and workers are still awaiting their fate, without the fact remains that there 'still a shred of ASL or other office that has yet bothered to assess their health conditions. A
Musile now, we talk about the other bridges, traffic, safety, etc. etc..
Yet this cabin company which required working conditions and safety which cry was highly relevant and updated: emblematic.
had acquired the surrounding area, almost a mo 'usufruct, to be used as a private landfill, counting on benign distraction of a population of small producers, culturally similar;
had taken modern industrial relations, raising the union itself a mediator, CA and even, placement, alignment by hand to the Bossi Fini, accommodation and work in exchange for silence and the right to stay to continue working. This has clearly understood the commissioner Teso, when he said that since there is no longer the company and then work, no longer had any meaning or legal significance, speaking immigrants.


Friday, September 14, 2007

Can The Mechadoll Make A Sound?


90 percent the world's opium comes from Afghanistan, this year a kg of opium is sold by farmers to "traffickers" for over a hundred dollars, the heroine is prepared by synthetic , treating the morphine extracted from opium, and then, then it does not take much to draw the logical consequences.
The logical consequences are that the Afghan economy, the end of Soviet occupation to the present, is, in fact, supported by opium cultivation and trafficking, an activity which by itself produces more than 50 percent of national income, no need of civilian infrastructure, on technology investments, but simply of the ancient culture of the Afghan farmers.
eradicate the poppy cultivation would then secure the food for the journey to national bankruptcy and the further impoverishment of the population. Under these conditions it is evil all crop eradication program, and then, who would have the strength and authority for such an act? The Afghan government does not exist or the occupation forces? The contiguity between political and criminal power has not only established, but even constitutes the backbone that holds up what is now Afghanistan. This narco is a feudal state, controlled by the War Lords and friends of the West by the Taliban, who are in need of the absence of any form of credible institutions and civil society, because only then, can manage, pressoche'indisturbati 's billionaire businessman of drug trafficking.
The legitimate need for the survival of farmers' woes enrichment of the warlords and international mafias, the mad frenzy of racist and fundamentalist Taliban are mixed and create horribly all'infernale Afghan quagmire.
quagmire we are in that we, with our troops and, objectively, for the simple fact of being there, we gave our contribution to this devastating situation.
go away is right, but only solve our problem.
The Afghan issue, however, is much more, is a focal point and also emblematic of almost all the disasters that criticita'ei globalized neoliberalism, under the banner of the United States, is developing everywhere.
Examples? Here they are!
The overlap between legal and criminal economy, the elimination of the very idea of \u200b\u200bscientific societies, the emptying of the powers of all international organizations, the de facto exclusion of politics, replaced by the militarization of every type of social relationship, the 'U.S. unilateralism, the use of instrumental to the clash of civilizations as a potential trigger of any desired and caused crisis, the desire to restore a kind of feudal system (division of territory between "masters", local), as a form of optimal management and control of "rogue states" ( Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq ... ...)
once again on the political involvement of the international community: this is the challenge.
Designing courses provided and shared, starting from the real issues and proposing options civilians, military and social consequences.
E 'patient work, maybe not spectacular, nor in the immediate production of consensus. These
considerations lead me to look with favor the proposal made by PRC and others, as part of the radical left and the Rose in the Fist, to buy the opium crop in Afghanistan and use it to increase the production of morphine for therapeutic use.
is not madness, but rather the most realistic and effective solutions.
deprive the peasants from the yoke of criminals, warlords and the Taliban itself, call into question the socio-economic structure that governs the country. The internal equilibrium resulting from military occupation, would be mined at the base.
policy would again exercise its role. The problem would be
the cost of implementation and commitment of the highest possible number of Western countries in its financing: financing that would, in fact, a political alternative to the military and potentially fraught with more options and other civilians.
It is estimated that Afghan farmers earn about $ 700 million each year from the opium trade, the figure, however, rises if we add the smugglers, corrupt officials, in short all the armature. These would, first of all to set a price that does not encourage farmers to turn to smugglers and at the same time ensure the purchase of their harvest to redistribute the income generated from the population, albeit miserably, still survive on the benefits of trade of opium. Otherwise the risk is to be completely sucked into the war debate, to accept the agenda set by others. Be crushed by the dilemma of the exit strategy would be a minimalist and provincial results that would move an inch forward, the solution of the Afghan quagmire. If progressive governments, movements, international organizations will not have the ability and intelligence to offer more practical solutions, will have to adapt again to discuss the decisions already taken by the usual suspects.

Vip222k Connect External Hd


September 11 has passed, with all his pompous rhetoric about fighting terrorism.
What can I say? How 'state of terror or destruction of the developers of these allegations?
In Afghanistan and Iraq is not doing well. In Iran and North Korea is pushing through one day discussing how to deal with them and another on how to shave the ground, when in doubt, in the meantime, let's keep it on the blacklist, including rogue states. It 's a list to update and then send the U.S., I presume, by fax to the various foreign ministries of the globe, to adjust their foreign policy.
Well, the news is that this list could be extended by one at any moment
The new entries should be Eritrea, you have got it right!
The news is official, the State Department announcement
The old John Wayne is not one that speaks to take the air of the tonsils, anything but!
They are, dealing with Africa and in the case of what happens in the Horn of Africa: it is true, but the surface is rough and know the map well and know very well that war is the shortest distance that there is between their interest and the closest to their bases. Simple, right!! The egg
colombo Americanism in the end it's all here: the horizon line.
To them it is a stretch away, a compass, a reference, rather it is a line between them attraversa.Sono empirical, pragmatic: "I see a thing, so I'm already seeing," "I have a goal? Will be the last stage of what I'm doing "But why
on their agenda, their horizon came the tiny Eritrea (4 million inhabitants and less than 120,000 km square)?
In fact their interest is in the vast area of \u200b\u200bEast Africa that we could expand in this case to the Sudan.
Eritrea is independent of 93 and, despite several attempts to put bases along its coasts, or to recover old military positions that the U.S. already had here at the time commanded the Negus, it was no agreement on the matter. Inaccessible
still remained the longest and most attractive coast of Somalia, formidable wedge inserted between the ocean and the Red Sea
Sudan, novel oil power, is a sort of detached province of China, where the scent of fundamentalism
This leaves only Ethiopia has always provided one of the most talented African armies, a large country with more than 70 million people.
the benevolent attention of the U.S. obviously have turned to Ethiopia and, indirectly, those of the large private investors, especially international organizations, those tied to the name in Washington Consensus, ie IMF, World Bank.
Ethiopia is also the country "Christian excellence" in the area, both for history and for the numerical strength of the Coptic Christians, although there are a Muslim presence of at least 40 percent.
East Africa, just look at the map, is a sort of natural bridge to the Arab world, the Middle East and India itself.
This is a feature of cultural and ethnic diversity, before being a geographic data, for example, the Somali language, contains many terms that refer to items in India. There 's a given geopolitical that binds these lands to the hotspots of the present and future
All matters which are the explosions of detonators of the twenty-first century, are there 'there, for the consumption of those who want action. The energy issue
(Sudan and Somalia in perspective), political Islam, the clash with China.
North Americans already have their policeman in the area: Ethiopia
This is the frame: there in 'the picture, the facts, there are the Africans in the flesh. There are
the convulsion and the torment of 4 or 5 countries.
Of these issues, this blog will be documented in detail and, for now, I will only brief, just to give a rough idea that, possibly, circumscribes the essence of the issues at stake. Starting from the Sudan
. This huge country, the largest in Africa, recently discovered a treasure in her womb: oil.
Its GDP has shot up, the living conditions of Sudanese less. Khartoum is preparing to become a modern metropolis and business center.
China is an ally of iron, also true guardian of the Sudanese at the UN.
Sudan is the true beachhead of Chinese penetration in Africa, one of the most important strategic and political figures of recent years
Power is Muslim, the ethnic composition is articulated only instrumentally can be traced back to an unreal dualism Christians / Muslims.
south of the country is inhabited by mostly animist, ethnically similar to the peoples of central Africa and very marginally Christian.
for years have been defended not only forced dall'islamizzazione made by the central power, but above all by the total exclusion from power and the direct management of resources. In part, in 2005, this issue is resolved, for large regions of the South, following negotiations with the guerrillas, now the present government, even the Eastern Front in Sudan has been sedated, due to the Eritrean mediation. There remains the serious situation in Darfur, a region that claims autonomy from Khartoum. Messages (concerned) that come to us are: a clash of religion, Christians, Muslims, we need a "humanitarian intervention" to resolve the crisis. I would not be wrong, but I feel that this rhyme we heard many times. A formidable Trojan horse, to intervene anywhere, place and set their own rules, and then, while we're at, we do well to dislodge the Chinese. Strike one: the Islamic way, by the terrorists, by the Chinese and us well! The solution to an African problem that can not be given by the Africans with the tools and equip it as appropriate. It 'a thesis acceptable to the Bush doctrine. America is where are my interests, America is where are my enemies, America is everywhere.
The coexistence and distribution of power among different ethnic groups, in some cases, cross-countries themselves, is the primary source of all the contradictions of Africa, especially in the area. The West has a responsibility: as in Sudan, as elsewhere, has arbitrarily established in colonial and post colonial hierarchy of power between different peoples, subservient to its interests in Sudan, for example, the British have in fact given the power elites that were the expression of the north, and this situation has remained so far: it seems to me quite inappropriate to draw the British to resolve it. The
Eritrea, a young country, independent since 1993, claiming, in perfect continuity with its thirty-year liberation struggle, a gradual growth, self-sufficient, drawing on the material and cultural heritage of the peoples of Eritrea by, a unique case in Africa, ethnic diversity, a driving force and unity.
Eritrea has reset its system of international relations, on this principle. He repeatedly refused the 'help' the U.S. has discussed again on new bases, the relationship with so-called donors, have reduced the presence of NGOs, linking their activities to the economic and financial program national.
years living in a state of war, a border dispute with Ethiopia: the dispute, in fact, has already been terminated following international arbitration without appeal for Eritrea: UN, but it does not to give effect to this ruling, have been forced to deal with this tiny, mostly for his safety. The latest news about Eritrea, is its application to join the club of rogue states, the list drawn up by North Americans.
Ms. Frazier, who is responsible for African affairs under the State Department, found repeated behavior by Eritrea, which is extremely dangerous to U.S. security and the Western democracies (alas, is not a joke). What would these outrages to freedom and democracy? Basically, having hosted a conference of all the forces of the Somali opposition, including Islamic components, which, as a first step, to start rebuilding the Somali nation, demand the immediate withdrawal of Ethiopian occupation troops.
Having considered the Islamic courts as terrorists linked to al Qaeda, it implicitly colluding with terrorists believe the Eritreans
Gia ', Somalia. The spark that could set off the prairie
Muslim country, inhabited by nomadic, engaged mainly pastoralists, a common language and culture broadly divided into clans, in large groups of people. A sort of social structure
genealogy. The Somali are Sunni Islam, tolerant tradition. In Africa, Islam, mixing in animistic rituals, he created a religion that has no doctrinal weight that has elsewhere, rather than a purpose to be achieved, it was a system of rules and relationships.
Quest'Islam is considered, by its very nature, almost impervious to the siren fundamentalist
something happened in Somalia is explained by the conditions mentioned above.
The Islamic courts, which are sets of courts ruled that conflicts and disputes, as well as being well civilian component of the regulation and distribution, have become, over time, political speech and used the religious element unifying the country to combat the chalking. The
Somalia after the fall of Siad Barre, who somehow had managed to create a national feeling, has effectively ceased to exist as a state. Crumbled in gangs, into fiefdoms, controlled by the Warlords is finished at the mercy of looting and violence.
Somalia has become the center of illicit trafficking and of all kinds: from arms trafficking, the discharge of toxic and harmful to the cultivation and sale of drugs.
This situation lasted for at least fifteen years: any attempt to restore the rule of law proved to be very weak. The U.S. has deliberately
bankrolled the warlords in an anti Islamic, looking at every way to avoid the formation of a separate state.
The victory of the courts, supported by the people of Mogadishu, not because of ideological affinity but to a desire for peace and normality, has thrown into confusion the U.S. and their local police, the Ethiopian rulers.
After a few months, the country was invaded and occupied by Ethiopia, repeatedly bombed by U.S. planes.
The pretext is the usual and as usual, without the burden of proof: the presence of Al Qaeda terrorists.
Among Western governments, only Italy, expressed condemnation of the American attack.
The surgery went well even to Ethiopia, and because it has strengthened its alliance with the U.S. and for the fear that the rebirth of Somalia, riaccendesse tensions with minority Somalis in Ethiopia, namely the Ogaden. The situation now is chaotic, with an authority that rests on the support outside the military.
The Somali Diaspora, after a short period, which is thought to return again discouraged.
The political agenda of Somalia is now attributable to Mrs. Frazier, the U.S. State Department.
There are attempts to solve the crisis: there is a way in Africa, which must necessarily pass for the participants of the conference in Asmara Ethiopian-American and a way that provides for the creation of a puppet state, province of Ethiopia and platform for military action "against terrorism"
The Italian government indicates a worthwhile activity in Somali affairs, thanks to the Vice Minister Sentinelli but that Italy should be in appropriate fora, condemned the interference converted from cooperation and support: interference that has become a beacon of European Union foreign policy and U.S.
will have the strength? We doubt
In this scenario, the power, the subject is strong Ethiopia.
The subject has a strong strength and a weakness reflected real
Ethiopia is a giant, fragmented into many ethnic groups who have always lived together, accepting the domination of one of them, the Amhara Abyssinian Empire
Historically, fathers and the Coptic religion.
Now, after many vicissitudes, that there is no need to explain now, the power is finite, in practice, Tigre '
This is a minority that has its border region with Eritrea and with which has much in common, both linguistically and culturally.
has played an important role in the ancient history of Ethiopia but remains less than 5 or 6 percent of the Ethiopian population.
A minority in a few years he has occupied all areas of the state, has the opposition against using fraud and targeted arrests, controls the flow billionaires coming from financial institutions and the U.S. itself.
The force is proportional to the size of Ethiopia's U.S. interests on site: proxy invading Somalia, held in check Eritrea, is the bastion of Christianity (with almost half the Muslim population) in the Moslem area.
How long? I do not know. As long as the ethnic puzzle will hold? As long as the external support will compensate for the indifference to domestic conditions? Surely in this
comparing the two Africas: one that is the projection of structural adjustment programs, donations, constraints imposed by international financial institutions, openness to foreign capital unlimited, of the ruling classes on these policies shaped by endogenous, the pervasive presence of the charity and philanthropy, which occupies the desert created by the destruction of public budgets, and the other Africa, however, that between light and shadow, is at the center of their political agenda, national sovereignty, in this continent, often coincides with the new construction or the invention of the nation, by enshrining the principle that international relations are chosen internal policy and taxation that determine the same internal policy.
The turmoil in the Horn of Africa reflect and above all this clash
In this piece of the continent is home to over 120 million people and reduce their dramatic events, just a clash between Christians and Muslims, including terrorists and anti-terrorists, between moderates and fundamentalists, merely means to apply western categories facts and actions that have, however, their peculiarities and specificity. It 'just another tax and violent interference in African history, even worse, is the very negation of this continent is able to make history and develop its conceptual categories.


Thursday, September 6, 2007

Towel Smells After I Dry Myself


There is much talk about immigration, crime and safety: The three issues are obviously related, in the Vulgate media.
When I think of the aliens, to those who look in my city, I like the feeling of living in another country and not in this devastated, according to all the media, non-invasion criminal aliens.
Here in San dona'sono approximately three thousand, a population of almost 40 000 people: many? Few? I can not tell. I just know that when I think of them in my mind that perhaps three groups, but I'm not sure are the three most numerous: Bangladesh, Senegal and Ukraine.
Personally I am glad that there is: are hardworking, fair, and I have the distinct impression that if I'm here is because they are indispensable our economies and our families. I see them on the street and at that moment, I understand what it means in practice, cultural diversity, I can even give meaning to the word culture.
The first thing I notice, and 'that they (especially Senegal and Bangladesh) walk, we, instead, "let's go" from one place to another. From their movements it is obvious that the clock for them is just one way to measure time; behavior, the distinction between men and women is clear, for women, at times, and subjection, but is also often a distinction. I do not know that they are engaged in criminal activity, indeed, are often victims of some crime (wage Black, prohibition of unionisation, violation of safety rules), well accepted and justified by our model of development. The Ukrainian, shy and always in groups, I am surprised by their mean age, quite tall. I saw women of 60 years, arrived in Italy recently and I wonder how it is possible to emigrate 60 years. The Senegalese and Bangladeshi are young and I feel, I know someone who is not here to hang out but who have very specific plans for themselves and their families who have the intention to reunite to itself, at least the inner circle their families, therefore, conclude that, certainly have the belief that this will be the future of their country, their attempt to emancipate themselves from poverty and exclusion.
I do not even seem like "commands Sior Paron", and would have a tendency to unionization, however, show great attention to their rights.
So I do not seem to parasites or criminals or accustomed to attivita'fastidiose and harassment.
I admit it: I have a predisposition "gene" in not seeing the enemy in foreign usurper, so I could also be affected by this, in my evaluations. What
see the papers there, I do not doubt it, but there is also much that they obviously do not see or perhaps do not consider it news.
Wire immigration lawlessness and crime has become almost an axiom, a real common sense.
E 'perceptions of mass and almost, it would be absurd to ridicule, or regard it with disdain as a unique media effect.
The widespread perception of a sensation is a "reality" to respect and to be reckoned with.
Each assessment and concrete proposal should be able to intervene immediately and incisively on this fact, however, can not be considered truthful or excessive.

some evaluation.
Official figures say that the particularly brutal killings and acts have not risen indeed, would be slightly lower than in the past. Murders in Italy, have, however, a particular characteristic: their prevalence in a matrix-family home.
It 's a worrying fact: you kill with family, relatives or friends.
Some of these murders are characterized by fierce brutality and geographically, are located mainly in the north: the organized crime in the south but is the leading cause of violent deaths.
There 's a widespread increase in crime or microcriminalita'anche if not the size that you would expect from the media prominence. There 's an increase in burglaries of homes and drug dealing and, in this kind of crimes, there is undoubtedly a percentage considerable amount of foreign non-regular, so-called illegal immigrants: the share of foreign regular and sentenced to prison, however, is similar to that of the Italians.
a given object is, therefore, 'that a regular immigrant is not usually very dangerous, not more than an average Italian: regular foreigners in Italy are little more than three million, and nearly all are settled in hiding (in the over a decade). The political fact is highly significant: the regularization of immigrant acceptance by a system of rules, which provides rights and imposes duties è.di per se, an antidote to crime. A person who works, who is seeking reunification of the rest of his family, who send their children to school, going on a mortgage to buy a house, has a life plan, not a criminal purpose. The link-hiding
crime 'must be tackled without demagogy, psychological terror, exploitation and xenophobic instincts: affrontatato
politically far-sighted.
It 'obvious that if it is a human condition and equipment (underground), a crime, inevitably those who are in total this absence of rules, beyond the possibility of returning to a legal framework, will be at the mercy of 'predatory and aggressive attitudes towards the environment. Those who
propose drastic solutions and end-users, such as forced mass expulsion, beat them all in jail, shot him as they approach the coast, they know to expect things technically impossible and legally unacceptable in a state of law are demagoguery, ride the tiger capitalize politically all the stomach-ache and the anger that led to art. I dare say that all have an interest to remain so, always about to explode. The fear induced by a living to many. The'industria security is flourishing more than ever, security doors, cameras, security systems, private security, etc. etc.. How many
political careers were built on the issue of security, illegal, non-EU citizens?
These considerations, however, is not meant to circumvent the issue, much less to draw attention to other aspects, the main subject. The report
clandestine micro-'/ crime there is in numbers, in the facts.
would be a bit 'absurd to deny it.
The way I see it, are two sides to be influenced
One is political and the other is the judicial
Regarding the first point, you should take steps to ensure the existence of a number of conditions "virtuous" to always allow the adjustment for those from Italy "sans papiers", thereby overcoming the logic of amnesties and emergencies, facilitate family reunification, even as a form of amnesty for those who have demonstrated their relatives in our area, go from the jus sanguinis jus soli, as regards the system of transmission of citizenship at birth (Italy is one of the last Western countries that link the attribution of nationality at birth, the simple and pure genealogical affiliation, as elsewhere in France and the USA, acquires the citizenship of the place where born)
These measures, together with others, would make the large population of irregular migrants, not a multitude of misfits without part of its art, who lives in expectation of a messianic act magnanimous and healing, but rather a group of people that have incentives and incentives to have a socially acceptable conduct as rewarding.
In terms of judicial investigation and, in my opinion, there is an incredible delay, knowledge of criminality to non-indigenous working in Italy.
You can go back to the years of mala del Brenta to find the first incursions of organized gangs from the Balkans: the same band Manor allied himself with the crime of Matrix Balkans, both for supplies of arms and to launder money.
The civil war in former Yugoslavia, poured on the market of the crime a huge quantity of weapons of every type and even "professionals" ready to capitalize on the experiences and skills acquired in the war. The Balkan wars have produced not only the disintegration of peoples and territories, humanitarian devastation, but also economic collapse, organized mafias that have been able to profit from the wide open spaces that allow an economy of war and devastating implosion of the system.
They filled the arsenals of our crime, have enslaved and deported on the streets of our cities, thousands and thousands of young women, continue to feed the market for prostitution, have managed and controlled migration flows from those countries to the West.
Mafias Kosovar, Albanian, Croatian, Turkish, have in fact acted as a true immigration office.
E 'unthinkable and naive to believe that these acts of common crime, are impromptu gestures, perhaps the result of a propensity for barbarism of some ethnic groups. These offenders who act in an organized manner, are articulations of wider bands, clearly array mafia that recruit mainly upstream, ie countries of origin.
Despite this, even today, the business 'investigation is fragmented, episodic: there is' a huge waste of investigative resources and energy, simply to capture the last link in the chain, the one who pulled the trigger.
Why do not yet recognize the organized nature of these crimes? Why is there 'any form of coordination between prosecutors who investigate these heinous acts? Should we not have even a sort of proxy that takes care of the various mafias operating in Italy and abroad of their links here?
activity investigation coordinated, effective, discreet, with appropriate regulatory and financial resources, international contacts, would still certainly within a reasonable time to have a clear picture of the situation, a capacity for action targeted and effective, may resize the criminal phenomenon linked to the presence of illegal immigrants, in physiological terms. The use
spectacular police or the use of individual measures, such as sterile striking, only has a propaganda value. The effect of these popular and populist measures in the coupon that is only periodically off those who have invested in the title, "security-immigration-crime '."
E 'exemplary in this regard, the issue of Romania.
Many of the unpleasant facts of that period involving Romanian nationals, among other things no longer be considered non-EU. In recent years, the community Romania has become the most numerous among those in Italy. It is absolutely not the natural order of things that the increase of the presence of a community is, almost arithmetic projection, the surge of theft and violations of the law of any kind, related to their subject of that particular group. It 'obvious that there is' something important to understand, something that obviously escapes again, and perhaps not even worthy of proper attention.
Realism and rule of law are and remain the benchmarks


Monday, September 3, 2007

Hospital Gifts For Stroke Victims

Eritrea: Nationalism and nation building

Although Eritrea, in its present boundaries, was adopted by Italian colonialism, it is important to remember that the history of his people did not start with the Italian colonization. The Eritrean people had its own history and civilization, its laws and administrative systems prior to colonialism. He had his own political activities, economic, social and cultural rights.
Successive colonial rulers over the years have influenced the life of Eritrea and administrative systems, but they have not been destroyed. The settlers have left traces of their heritage while at the same time, the Eritrean tradition, although suffer changes and modifications, has retained the basic characteristics, which have been transmitted through generations. So to fully understand the current situation and the program for the future of our country, it is essential to understand the dynamics within Eritrean society, as well as the legacies of the various colonizers.
The Italian colonialism lasted fifty years. Has not completely changed the Eritrean society, its influence was not uniformly distributed. But it can not be denied his lasting impact on the history of Eritrea. The Italian colonialism, like all European colonialists, settled by force the borders of Eritrea, by subjecting all the people to manage within these boundaries, has opened a new chapter in the history of Eritrea. Using the skills
Italian, but relying mainly on human and material resources of Eritrea, Italian colonialism had built cities and ports, highways and railways, modern factories and farms. He introduced conscription. In addition, he created the conditions for which the Eritreans from all corners of the country were put in a position to move and know each other, thus creating even common experiences. The limit of the colonial can vary from one place to another (some may be not been touched), but the increase of the interaction between Eritreans, combined with their reaction with increasing Italian oppression and racism, have laid the seeds Eritrean national consciousness.
The establishment of the first modern political association Eritrea, Mahber Fikri Hager (love of his country), the conclusion of the Italian colonial era and the arrival of the British, is a clear testimony of the national consciousness. The British Military Management in Eritrea was temporary and short-lived, leaving a legacy limited. In any case, the BMA increase opportunities for study and permitted political activities and freedom of expression, according to the tactic of "divide and rule", it strove to create divisions among the people of Eritrea.
laid the foundation for the plan come true Ethiopian-American refusal of the Eritrean people's right to self-determination. The British administration also destroyed several businesses and many Eritrean economic infrastructure. During British rule, the nascent Eritrean nationalist movement could not he fight the conspiracy hatched against Eritrea or preserve the disunity. That is something that has been awarded the Ethiopian colonial rule whose cruelty had no equal in the history of Eritrea. At
Ethiopian colonialism in Eritrea was neither direct n'evidente. This is because the internal conditions and external as well as in Eritrea were not directly attributable to the domination of Ethiopia. And 'under the pretext of the resolution, sponsored by the United States, United Nations Association in 1952 that began the domination of Ethiopia. The period of the Federation (1952-1962) witnessed the erosion of the independence inside Eritrea, the Ethiopian domination of aggressive expansion and development of the Eritrean resistance.
One of the most significant achievements of this period was the increase seen in our national struggle, which had begun in the forties: the emergence of movements of workers and students and in particular the establishment and expansion of the Movement Liberation of Eritrea (Mahber show). Ethiopia colonial era, according to all the points view, the rearmost of Eritrea. Consequently there was nothing they could build or improve Ethiopia to Eritrea, he has only destroyed. With crude repressive measures has systematically undermined the political, economic, social and cultural development of Eritreans.
He then uprooted the budding political democracy in Eritrea and has led to a period of cruel dictatorship. Destroying the economy and infrastructure, Ethiopia, Eritrea reported back 30-40 years. The worst, most difficult and insoluble, that the colonial legacy has left Ethiopia, however, was the backward culture and its corrupt leadership. Certain characteristics of the Eritrean culture of which we were proud of, such as discipline, honesty, strong work ethic, initiative, creativity, self-hate and dependency, gave way to corruption, fraud, laziness and dependence on 'alms During the colonial rule of Ethiopia, especially in urban areas.
Ethiopia has been able to maintain a more developed country and most advanced, Eritrea, under the yoke of his rule for forty years, mainly thanks to the support of major world powers, primarily the United States and later, the Soviet Union . The enormous support that Ethiopia received prolonged the Ethiopian colonial domination and suffering the people of Eritrea and made the price of independence was much greater than would be otherwise. This unlimited support to Ethiopia on the one hand and the isolation of the Eritrean revolution on the other, led us to rely solely on our own resources and has stimulated the imagination and ingenuity in all fields.
It is no exaggeration to say that this has resulted in the establishment of the liberation struggles in the more developed world, which contributed greatly to nation-building Eritrea. The struggle for liberation of Eritrea at the beginning is not well advanced. When, in 1961, the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) began armed struggle has interpreted the wish of the Eritrean people. However, prospects ELF and the method did not favor the unity of the people of Eritrea, they were useful in building the nation and the success of the fight. ELF
The fundamental error was to indulge in the divisions of the Eritrean society along ethnic lines, religious and regional divisions instead of fomenting such encouraging the mobilization of all Eritreans. There have since been tragic political developments in Eritrea, however, the tendency to exploit the differences in the Eritrean population and quotas for small political gains and to play well and narrow-minded cultural attitude has not disappeared Eritrean politics. Those who have used up to this kind of politics of division were the Ethiopian rulers. Realizing that it could not defeat the Eritrean people with bullets and fire power, were not spared, until the day of their flight, to sow seeds of discord between the Eritrean people, putting one side against the other.
sixties burned mosques, and churches were spared. Then they tried to exploit the inhabitants of the lowlands, creating fictitious divisions with other Eritreans. We are continuously applied in their divisive politics to the lowest levels of society, creating conflicts between villages and even among people within the same village. The Movement for the Liberation of Eritrea in particular and the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) have been able to counteract the intrigues the Ethiopians and Eritreans of their employees, cultivating nationalism and unity among the people of Eritrea.
The EPLF has generated a field of struggle in which all the Eritreans who were opposed to colonial rule and were eager for independence, could participate regardless of their religion, language, ethnicity, class and type. The EPLF has become a common home for hundreds and thousands of Eritreans who came from urban areas and rural regions of the plains and the plateau and from more distant locations. He fed the nationalism of the Eritreans and laid the foundation for national unity, excluding all the attitudes of division and narrow-mindedness. He has taught, practiced and spread equality among all citizens. In all its policies and activities, the EPLF has grown inclusive nationalism and unity of the Eritrean people.
Through a history of one hundred years of colonial experience and especially from their historical activities, the people of Eritrea has become a nation composed of many ethnic groups, languages \u200b\u200band many cultures. The journey of nation building is long and complicated. Although the basics of Eritrean nationalism were planted firmly in our struggle long for liberation, should still be completed. The population of Eritrea, whose unity is rooted in a long tradition of peaceful coexistence and harmonious, and was reinforced by the long struggle, is one of the populations joined together companies with similar social structures.
As a result of this unity was achieved victory and then peace and stability prevail hours nell'Eritrea independent. The establishment of the Eritrean government of this unit reflects and reinforces broader. We briefly explored the centennial history of the Eritrean people. During that century, the natural history of Eritrea has stopped people from colonialism. The Eritreans have experienced the colonial oppression, including the worst kind of fascist racism. Unlike other colonial peoples, the Eritreans were denied the right to independence.
Moreover, while the similarly oppressed people who led the liberation struggle, was getting a broad international support, the Eritrean people was obliged to conduct its own struggle against an enemy internationally supported. This fight was considered by many observers as unnecessary and reckless. Eritrean people has emerged victorious from this trial difficult. The heavy firepower has not weakened on the contrary has hardened and strengthened his resolve. He earned Only in this way the independence and sovereignty.
In several countries in which they were conducted national struggles for liberation, independence was followed by conflict and civil war times. In Eritrea, however, thanks to strong national unity, developed with the struggle and a mature political management, peace and stability have prevailed. E 'was established a government of broad and popular support for a period of transition. Transitions are often difficult, but Eritrea is quickly finding solutions to problems encountered during this period. With high hopes, the country is geared towards the difficult challenge of developing a modern society and stable. To say that the Front Eritrean People's Liberation (EPLF) gave the greatest contribution to the great victory of the Eritrean people, you only declare a historical fact.
As already mentioned, in Eritrea, the armed struggle was in a state of crisis and so close to defeat in the late sixties and early seventies. The one that gave new life to the struggle, was the establishment dell'EPLF. It 'was the EPLF that has implemented the revolution. Challenging and addressing the military campaigns, supported by the Soviet army's largest black African (Ethiopian army) has made an historic final military victory, established a broad national front and made participation People a reality, organized a referendum so that independence was the result of a free and legal Eritrean people and not a mere military victory: it has laid solid foundations for the independence of Eritrea and its international relations.
The EPLF successfully achieved the basic objectives for which began: the peace and independence for Eritrea. As Liberation Front has accomplished its mission with an undisputed success. The EPLF, though, has never sought independence as an end in itself, but rather a prerequisite for the development of democratic and modern society in which justice and prosperity were the predominant elements. Considered that the EPLF is a political organization that embraces all members of the Eritrean population and is suited to 'units as well as rich in experience, and' by believing that he has the ability to make a major contribution to the development of Eritrea. However, this new chapter and new challenges awaiting require new organizational structures, new mechanisms and guidelines. This new structure can not be separate and apart from the rich experience of the past.
must be built on the strong foundations already established dall'EPLF. Should inherit and improve the policies and practices proven by the events preceding and at the same time, avoid the weaknesses and imperfections past and current. Must develop political programs, organizational structures and working procedures that are appropriate to the new demands of this new chapter. The new structure should consider the nature of our society, of its developmental stage and the lessons learned from previous experience as well as experiences faced by high in the third world.
allow this new structure is to become constructive and fair to the needs of this new phase, must be the result of a movement broadly, encompassing all patriotic and democratic Eritrea, as an alternative to a type of organization with a restricted basis . Most of the members dell'EPLF have a strong commitment in the advancement of the country, for whose independence has been severely beaten and then killed it is natural that they become an active part in the movement, like others who love the country and its people, but they were outside dell'EPLF due to developments of the liberation struggle or other reasons.
During this new phase of building the political, economic, social and cultural life of the nation, while we are building a political movement broadened to effectively drive our future journey, we must clarify our basic objectives and means of achieving them. We emerge victorious, despite all the difficulties and dangers, because as the liberation movement and as a people, we had clear vision and common goals of independence and peace, today we have a progressive vision of Eritrea and its people and is of the utmost importance that such a view comes in the hearts and minds of all Eritreans so that it can be organized and groped to make
2) Our vision of the future un'Eritrea
What we want, as a nation and people, at this stage? Since we converted the dreams of peace and independence of yesterday in fact, what we want to convert dreams into reality today? In short, what is our vision? Our vision is that Eritrea is turning into a country where peace, justice, democracy and prosperity prevail. Our vision is to eliminate hunger, poverty and illiteracy by Eritrea. Our vision is that Eritrea retains its identity and uniqueness, develop a commitment to community care and the family, and moving forward economically, educationally and technologically, will pass between the developed countries. Our vision is that the Eritrean society is known for harmony among its different sectors, equality, love of country, humanity, discipline, hard work and love for knowledge, respect for law, order, 's independence and inventiveness. Our vision is to achieve the peaceful miracle of a nation under construction, as we did in the war of liberation.

Friday, August 31, 2007

Onde Eliminar Hm Na Gold


Cinema is dead, there 'any more. Buried by tons of advertising, swallowed up by the so called entertainment industry, has now released the field by his presence.
What was, was replaced by the production on a global scale of the phenomenon we might call "creation and continuous recurrence of AD and widespread mass"
memory without forgetting is but pathological obsession, forgetfulness alone is the negation of every memory, every concept of time as possible, the overcoming of all forms of resistance and critical articles to a stimulus before, ol'inutilità ignorance 'of any code of interpretation. When
then and it is our case, the onset of oblivion is serial, which can not be a goal.

Nine times out of ten films c'ingoia for us to attend and images that have deliberately built the mechanism of self: we see has already begun to remove and forget: we go out and already we are ready to swallow another film, bulimic of nothing.
weapons available, many are deliberately used (banality, repetition, cliches, conformity, mannerism, reworkings of situations already metabolized television narrative rhythms dishes). On the other hand most of the "film world" has been moved bag and baggage, to make TV movies: drama, the modern top ministry official.
escape routes by the approval, by the multinational oblivion, there are many: in film quality, more and more niche, fenced and protected, what it 'right and proper to something that is endangered. Which is not a multi-closet "essay"? What cinema does not have its Wednesday or Tuesday, for the protection of minorities?
There is, however, 'another way, much more efficient, more effective and, above all, more adventurous.
fights openly, shut themselves up in rooms without essay, elbowing, seeking his audience and not waiting, inventing its space, renovating the language techniques, daring, spending and getting his hands dirty: we are talking about (obviously) of the documentary.
years is the cultural phenomenon that digs like a mole of old memories, that we know well, to open gates and draw paths.
We simply brilliant work of Spike Lee's latest, "When the Levees Broke: A Requiem in Four Acts," four hours of pictures, information, humanity, music, politics, a fierce and poignant story of how Hurricane Katrina slapped New Orleans and how the political management of the emergency razed to the ground.
impossible not to see this without fitting the eye to the brain, which is inevitable after a while 'watching you (and at that moment we are part of the documentary film) in the act of building something: build is very different from receiving a thought formed and packaged. The construction is an active and subjective act, involves the effort and the ability to bind the elements and cements.
The documentary and the audience grow together: watching the work is a form of co-creation, is a kind of ex post directed that, miraculously, continues to operate on already.
This is the alchemy that makes the documentary
that in this case up above, yes "materializes" in the work of Spike Lee. The viewer is an active luxury, now, the cinema can no longer afford, concerned as is', to dispense with emotions, feelings, erections, sound principles, etc. etc. (especially etc. etc. etc.).
Look for the "citizen" which looks at the pictures is a must have also felt the likes of Herzog and Wim Wenders. Few have used the documentary as their reason for the 'time' and 'environment'
Lay the reality, a drop of water, leaning on a table, it expands and changes, it remains But this: scrutinize, wrap, surprise there, where the eye does not arrive, and so on until the time that passes does not catch the "truth"
Herzog films the time we have to understand, to perceive and then to touch.
Film and resumes that exists, but it makes us look at what we have understood. Some titles are
Fata Morgana, Bells from the Deep and Apocalypse in the desert.
Dziga Vertov, the huge Soviet Filmmakers thought that you were not really tell, you live and nothing else. The task of director is another and far more "ambitious" but certainly he had used the term "adventure". The reality is dismantled, slowly and quickly, happily and dramatically, and your eye catches the pieces and special moments. The eye invented a special language and grammar. For Vertov a movie starts when it ends: the last frame is the first of the memory of the process leading to memory, vital and necessary for social continuity, for cultural growth. The documentary film is anything but a gimmick to see is, indeed, a thinking machine not only for the viewer but also for those who make it.
In this regard, there 'a brilliant young Italian Swedish documentary, Erik Gandini that produces emotional shock, tears what someone opacity called 'sensory surround us.
With his major work, Surplus, to free his anarchic streak and describes the rampant crime and Western consumerism. The documentary throws up images: bulimic and is deliberately elusive, approaches so sarcastic and acrobatic moments, people and voices.
This explosion of images could also be combined and assembled in a reassuring and that is what makes the power.
The artist carefully established order, but I do not really sell his conviction, but informs me, through the visual representation of a new grammar of images and perceptions.
What remains engraved in my memory, is an element of collective memory, is the expansion of public space, is the negation of deprivation.
The movie industry knows these things, in fact, acting in the opposite direction, producing as mentioned before, the collective Alzheimer's.

In Italy, the documentary had noble ancestors as Ermanno Olmi and Michelangelo Antonioni.
Neorealism theoretical basis such that it had made almost a sort of extension and expansion of the documentary genre. Some of the best Italian directors have ventured into film, which had narrative structures, language and visual output, typically from the documentary: Gillo Pontecorvo (Battle of Algiers Ogro) Francesco Rosi (Salvatore Giuliano, the city's hands', Mattei's case), Elio Petri (author of the beautiful and unobtainable Todo way), Carlo Lizzani (I would say all his work).
Cinema understood as "shadowing of reality itself was something subversive and new that has produced memorable films and he made the film not only a witness of his time but a necessary element of civil growth of this country.
Today there are squalid and smart filmmakers, as Von Trier that ape that period, making a ridiculous caricature, voicing the belief that burps and farts, shooting with natural light, smearing the images, making them crooked, incomprehensible and unwatchable, you face representation of reality without mediation.
Stefano Benni would call these directors: apocalyptic integrated .... I would add, with room for apocalyptic essay.
Now in Italy, thanks to cultural associations, such as DOCUME 'di Torino, is growing a new generation of filmmakers. There 'will, to distribute the documentary more ethical society, to find new places and new audiences.
Manuela Pellarin Daniele Segre, among others, were known for the quality of their work (for me). The first, describing, among other things, the parable of Porto Marghera, with a flavor suggestive but anchored to the reality of living of workers and a strong emphasis on the weight and role of memory: Segre Instead, the prolific documentarian of Turin, for years he devoted himself to the "cinema of reality", according to the simple principle (optical and social) for which the point of view, longer, spanning more than scenes, and 'always on the last, for those who are at the bottom, for those who are at times out. (workers, immigrants, people on the margins, are the subjects of his films) Specimen his documentary of 1996: Law citizenship, history and stories of immigrants who follow and complement, the styling of Segre, too, in this work, the chorus remains. The dry style, free to all rhetoric, makes him not only present but rather, a work that always speaks to the future. The subjectivity foregrounded, in secret, and as a verb perpetually into the future: it is worth telling because there is' much more to do.
The Coral '(of the form and substance) and' in reality ', a bridge to the future:' like a sow. Let's just end
wing a couple of considerations more than any other man who has "duty paid" in popularizing the genre we're talking about: Michael Moore.
Leaving aside for now his undoubted artistic merit, popular and civil rights, the fact remains, perhaps beyond his own will, part of the star system.
E 'was also her choice to be "marked", and always by choice and his system, had supplied its place. He works for his audience, produces works fine, but for the most part, a thesis, vested in the premise and purpose. The subject is always and in any case him.
Michael Moore makes a film about health care and talking about Michael Moore and his ability to make a film about health care. The arguments go, he remains.
His physicality and his puzzled grin make the logo of the guru. With him
scheme remains vertical, the expectation of the messianic message, after all the "laziness of the emotional consumerism, fueled by the guru of the moment
Man is another thing that looks

Friday, August 24, 2007

Master Lock Combination 175 Recovery


These excerpts here are excerpts from the writings of Serge Latouche I collected, I hope with coherent and consistent policy.
Latouche has the distinction of being one of the first and, alas, still one of the few Western intellectuals have attempted to "read" the non-Africa economic and social categories according to the West, beyond the usual platitudes . Trying instead
endogenous and creative aspects of evolution and emancipation of Africa.
avoided like the plague term development.
Latouche speaks about Africa, such concepts as informal economy and society venacolare
But this I leave you to follow

"If you have a vision centered on the development, economistic vision, that is if you think that development is universalizable and that there is no salvation outside of strong economic growth, then you may have, the informal economy in Africa, only a negative point of view, at best condescending. The face of evidence of the success of some entrepreneurs from the barefoot ", you can recognize with sympathy the success of the DIY. However, you will always see in the informal economy of expedients lack of anything better. Estimating the informal economy with the dominant meter western horizon and development, and reducing the social aspect in a picturesque, complement or the only important thing, the economy, it is tempting to see this reality as a kind of substitute for atypical development. Ridiculous or respectable, but always in want of anything better, that is waiting to arrive to the promised land of modernity. In short, you will see in the informal just a figure of transition, rather than a laboratory of the other doposviluppo.Vedere Africa as a laboratory of doposviluppo informal means rather see the positive view of itself as far as possible, ie function its own rules, and not commensurate with the development paradigm. "

"that interests us in the informal economy is not, although other, it was in another company. The statement there is empowerment in itself, it is dissolved, embedded (embedded in the terminology of Karl Polanyi) in the social economy, especially in complex networks that structure the popular cities of Africa. That is the definition of "society venacolare" is more appropriate to speak of this reality, not that of "informal economy". The company
"First of all, these are the ways in which the castaways of development produce and reproduce their lives, outside the official camp, through strategies relational. These strategies incorporate all sorts of economic activities, but these activities are not (or minor) professionalised. The tricks, DIY, the ability to fend of each are part of networks. I "connected" form of clusters. After all, these strategies are based on a subtle game of "drawers" social and economic strategies are comparable to family members, who are in most cases, the strategies of the housewives, but transposed into a society where extended family members are counted hundreds. I "connected" are often very different religion, ethnicity, social status, and very numerous. May be more or less incorporated into the extended family. The networks are structured In fact, the model of the family according to the logic of the clan, with social mothers and older brothers "

" vernacular society (neo-clan or oikonomia, as described in my book) is at first sight, especially women, based on multiple jobs, not on the professionalism and strategic relationships. The artisans of the mass economy are perhaps less professional than they think or are not likely to see. Nolte pluri-active and are often too dependent on their social network. They are all in doposviluppo.Perciò, we must analyze the incorporation of this in the social economy, to see how the company doposviluppo found the logic of the gift.
The excluded the great companies realize the miracle of their survival reinventing social ties and making it work. Excluded from the canonical forms of modernity, the nation-state citizenship and participation in the domestic market, they live, in fact, thanks to the solidarity networks neoclaniche. But to explain how they live and survive the populations of the other Africa, we must begin by denouncing the economic and developmental illusion, then analyze the complexity of the devices that ensure the survival of the survivors and the logic that allow the scheme riproduzione.Lo Reading and economic development leads to many distortions and contradictions. "

" Take the money. It is ubiquitous of fact and imagination, but it has the same meaning or the same use, the economists on the planet and that of survivors. The same interests and talk about hot money money cold. The money involved in networks is opposed to the currency of the white exterior and abstract. The first, in general, small-denomination coins and tickets greasy and greasy, is knotted in the corner of a loincloth and hidden under clothing, is pulled out with caution and reticence, counted and recounted in the hope of a discount. The second is that of NGOs, technical assistance. It has millions and is dissipated into abstraction. Anyway, that is consumed or so ostentatious that it serves the collective survival, the money is not an end itself.
Regarding the price, this is rather the result of a negotiation, not a market. Despite the penetration of commodity relations and the monetization of trade, the actors strive to maintain the primacy of interpersonal relationships in the anonymous play of supply and demand. We must respect the statutes, to take into account the context as a whole, know how to lose a bit 'to win in other ways. Thus, currency and commodity relations would run a non-commercial. Let's be clear: what is meant by a society that, while practicing a trade and knowing many intense circulation of money, does not obey the massive commercial logic "

"decreed that non-Western countries were underdeveloped, economists have decided that they were miserable. It is known that in the major languages \u200b\u200bof Africa there is a word that designates the poor in the economic sense of the word. The words used to translate "poor" actually means "orphan". It 'worth noting that in all the circumstances of everyday life, references to the misery is not immediately refer to the lack of money, but the lack of social support. Poverty is linked to an individualistic conception of society. "
" This resistance standards that incorporate the value of solidarity in a metaeconomico (more social than economic, that is), allows this reversal of meaning and statutes, conditions for the emergence of a genuine post-modernity. In other words, what makes it possible in this way is the refusal of the devaluation of himself decreed by the West, and partly accepted, and the appropriation of an identity. "

." Poverty presupposes a comparison of the individual isolated with his impotence. In a society where reigning at the same time solidarity and hierarchy, this is not relevant "
" Rationality African who think they see on the successes of the informal, and from which some think to derive specific management manuals to be used by candidate entrepreneurs local or foreign investors, is also an illusion. In this desire to attribute every success to rationality, there is a sign of arrogance and a great unconsciousness ethnocentric. Under the pretext that the informal enterprises operate, it is concluded that being can only be rational, then obey the great Western myth of rationality "

" The economy is characterized by modern and Western rationality. In theory there is only one way to be rational, while there are many to be reasonable, which is why the company is the place of multiple vernacular. In the literature on the informal, the term "multiple employment" means more often than the fairly widespread phenomenon of dual activity. This dual activity relates to the situation in the formal sector wage (official or employee) that the army outside of his work a second job. In neoclaniche networks, where official activities are quite rare, especially multiple jobs recalls the variety of devices and the work put in place to survive. It has to do with a lack of professionalism, which does not mean lack of competence. "

. They invented the flexibility ahead of its time ... At the other extreme, the non-professional multiply the expedients which they draw their resources. In Douala, investigations on employment, many young workers do not claim as a profession: débrouillard (cunning, who knows how to stop it ...) "

" Beyond the multiple activities and non-professionalism, what strikes the observer to the clusters of "connected" society vernacular is the importance of time, energy and resources devoted to social relationships. Although there unfolds a strenuous activity, it would be improper, in most cases, talking about real work. The meetings, visits, receptions, discussions take a long time. Giving and borrow, donate, receive, help each other, make an order, deliver, inquire occupy most of the day, not to mention the time spent at the party, dance, dream and play ... "
"They are the laboratories of the future, laboratories doposviluppo. Economists consider that this form of voluntary exchange, without official status and on the margins of the law, the most liberal of the official market, we get bogged down as the economists Hernando de Soto and Guy Sorman, who see in the informal Third World is a popular capitalism and a breeding ground for entrepreneurs beggars. "
"Allows you to revitalize the local community without any external capital. It helps to be aware of local problems, to seek practical solutions, concrete and realistic. Reduces imports, waste and pollution resulting from transport. Without fuss, without statements, the "informal" do nothing of the other Africa diverso.C 'experience is a lesson in vernacular African society that can serve also to all those involved in alternative enterprises. The alternative management needs to lean on "niche" rather than play the market, which is a concept of military strategy, a concept of conquest and aggression. It 'not linked to the rational and the reasonable. "

" The niche is an ecological concept, much closer to ancient prudence (phronesis of Aristotle). The company Alternatively, live or survive in an environment that is or should be, different dall''ambiente market. And 'this environment that we need to define, protect, maintain, strengthen and develop. Rather than fighting desperately to maintain its market sector, it is necessary to widen and deepen the military niche.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

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Alem Woldezghi * May 23, 2007 by

After 100 years, Italy is still prey and victim of representations of glory and revenge, when compared to its institutional amnesia colonial past and in contact with each other: the collective imagination of the Italians on Africa and the African is still caked in exotic forms of representation and subliminal. Italy commemorates the Republican not just colonial past. It seems only to want to undo your past does not love ricordare.Eppure democratic Italy has a moral and historical responsibility towards the former first daughter colony, Eritrea.
supporters of colonialism have always been of the opinion that the Italians, unlike the English, have assumed a human attitude in Abyssinia and never racist, even at times when demand was particularly hard. According to the scientists did not go well: the massacres, the ever-present racial discrimination, the explosion of fascist racism can testify to the contrary. All Italian colonialism was marked by racism and oppression, which are the basis of every colonial conquest. Moreover intervene militarily against a weaker nation shows violence and abuse. E 'means the absolute misunderstanding always been against a tradition of ancient civilizations such as Eritrea, which aimed to destroy the Italian politics dramatically.
On these roots grew fascist racism, in my opinion, it must be a clear manifestation of the violence inherent in colonialism all, a heavy and urgent appeal today for those who do not want to close my eyes and ears in the face of tragic reality.
For example, it is possible to speak of specific sex crimes Aoi fascist colonialism in [Italian East Africa]? Certainly yes, if sex offenders are in the first forms of representation of Eritrean women and their sexual exploitation by fascism qualified work force to coerce men in the colonies but also the end of colonial rape, in that sense it was authorized by those same representations. Fascism said: "The woman returns to be lower, the subjects of the father or husband ..." but also that Italian citizens could not live with a subject of Africa.
Not only that: the overthrow of these representations, following the declaration of the Empire in May 1936, the law of 1937 with the penalties for reports of 'nature marriage "between citizens and subjects should be read in this context and brings to light the link between sexual politics of colonialism and racial fascist. According to the definitions of colonialism, fascism was the only suitable black woman for sex and white instead of the feeling of love. Already
the path of nation-building led to the definition of racial identity for Italians. With the declaration of the Empire that identity based on the purity of blood played a central role in policy-colonial racial purity, understood in a biological sense, became the project is projected into the future.
In Italy, the transition from a colonial to an imperial consciousness involved the absolutizing the idea based on the so-called racial supremacist. Between colonizers and colonized were no longer tolerable uncertain boundaries 'race' became a necessary separation supported by discipline and self-discipline that involved all aspects of daily life. In this process, anthropology was becoming a status that would take it beyond the purely scientific or academic to get freed up and support the policy choices of the Mussolini regime.
With the war in Ethiopia and the founding of racial discrimination is transformed, by practice, in law making state law: Italy, unique among the European powers, is promoting a form of segregation race that is unmatched in Africa if not the experience of apartheid South Africa. The colony of Eritrea thus becomes the first laboratory test of racial laws in 1938 will be extended to also affect the Jewish community in the country.
The relationship with the otherness of Africa was based on exclusion, violence, exploitation and slaughter, pages removed or even openly denied in the name of a myth deeply rooted in the collective, which continues its atypical Italian claims as if it were a 'colonialism with a human face. " Do exist in Italy serious historical studies on colonialism, but are unlikely to have access to the training system and in the school.
* (Alem Woldezghi was born in 1949 in Eritrea. In his youth he played in 'EPLF, the Eritrean People Liberation Front, engaged in political-military struggle of the Eritrean People's Liberation Ethiopian occupation that lasted until 1993)

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financial crisis IE, "The banality 'EVIL'

Yet another stock market crisis, another collapse , Cossack or crack like that.
spoken, what it 'of course, of junk bonds.
The point is another: There are securities that are not garbage, garbage can not be a title?.
History of Finance, the Science of Finance we demonstrate incontrovertibly that the principles of forgery and fraud are essential elements of the (non) reality of finance.
The multiplication of money, the continuing deterioration of its value regardless of the actual movement of goods and labor, can not have his way with the crime.
be a coincidence or not that the mafia around the world in this sea Sguazzini not stand out so well from the least (neither better nor worse) than the other boats? Now the last detonator
latest crisis is called "subprime" as they say in Rome, vor of '? The financial
complex skein, in fact, is quite simple, to the of all the graphs and analysis of high finance pundits trombones.
These mortgages at risk, given to the less well-off insolvency with the reasonable doubt. These loans are more or less 10 percent of the market.
banks that make such a huge amount of debt? Simple: turn it into securities, funds and put it in the square on the market. The rating agency arrives on time (those that determine whether a title is reliable or not, whether credible or not a government and etc etc) which gives them the triple A titles that reliably: buy buy buy (said in a nutshell) .
happens, however, that spread rumors of a decline, perhaps a collapse of house prices, ie the asset on which the bank draws in the event of insolvency: it happens that increase the delinquency of borrowers and, as one plus one equals two ... the patatrack happens happens.
Only the risk for the loan granted to "sympathetically" is sold at all (in the form of big business, with the backing of party institutions) and when it becomes reality, thinly disguised as a virus, it infects every body that came into contact . The financial market is doped by definition, is a promiscuous world that socializes losses and limits the largest possible circle of beneficiaries. Create an idea of \u200b\u200bparticipation that is only apparent, as is the real mad hoarding of money, referred to as a pig bulimic is in constant need.
The death of the pig is a luxury that we can not afford it seems.
In these critical cases (as defined in comics, Crakk) the ritual formula provides for the provision of liquidity in the system. Even Roman
speaking, vor of '?? It means that central banks put fresh money into circulation, in practice we buy junk bonds that have sparked the chaos, saving banks, speculators, and ensuring a return to the days before the crak. The money the central bank would be all public, not private property, but no matter, question of detail.
The poor bastards who can no longer pay the mortgage WILL BE poor bastards and after the fateful three days will still be crucified.
As a young Hamlet, the market is crazy, but the method in the madness.
Thirty years ago (reagan, Thacher ... do you remember?) With the colossal hoax of neo-liberalism, have actually reinforced the economy to kill any idea of \u200b\u200bpolitics and democracy, but any good sorcerer's apprentice (as taught Goethe ), after a while ', no longer controls the elements and influences that created and one of these suggestions, finance, after a while,' and it 'swallowed up the economy.
So we are at the paradox that the concrete reality (real economy) is at the service of appearances (the finance and stock exchanges) .
What to do? ... What do you want from me!. I could only suggest to restart the opposite direction, return to practice in the domain of reality, real and concrete processes, the method of democracy, respect for established rules and approved. Every serious
Democracy sees money as an object and not subject to
will judge you!


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Drinking Red Wine Turns Stools Black

some ideas on South American left: so 'different from ours (thankfully ..)

In Ecuador the leftist candidate Correa has clearly passed the billionaire Noboa, a man of the right, to the sound of dollars claimed by the Bush administration.
Only a month before the Sandinista Ortega had already beating the first round his opponent U.S. pro.
are the last two episodes of a memorable election year: Ecuador and Nicaragua are in addition to a large group of countries that have veered far left: Venezuela's Chavez, Brazil's Lula, Kirchner's Argentina, Bolivia's Morales , Bachelet of Chile and Uruguay.
In Mexico, Obrador, candidate of the left has failed the target for a handful of votes for other achievements, probably, so fraudulent.
What 'this left South America?
indefinable, using old categories, certainly heterogeneous at home, in some cases even contradictory.
would think: what shared the radicalism and the strategic direction of almost mystical Chavez with mild reformism Bachlet, linked to concepts such as reassuring, good governance and respect for backwards compatibility 'or otherwise of the status quo, that there link' between the nerve Moral of the Peronist Kirchner, in the portrait, the debt contracted by his country, with the same international organizations that led him to the brink of the abyss and reclaim with intransigence, this Argentine fascist coup and all the elements of a recent past, with the Sandinista Ortega's political chameleon who can reconcile the support of Chavez with the support of one of the more conservative American bishops Latin America (Obando y Bravo) and that there is great distance between reformism stringent "Chavez" Bolivia's Morales shy and structural innovations in the economic and social development of Lula, who, however, has led Brazil, as never before, to a progressive international role and reference for all emerging and developing countries.

That way, this left looks like a jam, a sum not summable chaotic things, and yet this has its own skein skein, which is nothing but the soul of the plural left, the red thread that connects these experiences. These sinister

were able to interpret the will and the need for participation after Desertification made in twenty years of liberal horse care imposed on the continent.
That need to take ownership of their destiny and defy the power of a democratic and all-encompassing international financial organizations, including in Europe was further from the national training and sometimes even xenophobic, Latin America, however, has declined in the progressive sense.
The concept of national sovereignty that has been emptied or in some cases brutally severed from the history of Latin America, is now returning to the center of politics.
From the Monroe Doctrine to the dictates of the Washington Consensus, the policy of this great sub-continent was little more than a chapter of U.S. foreign and economic policy. It makes a significant effect
see that the claim of national pride comes from the ranks of the left and is powered by the aspirations of the working classes, the Indians, or even more marginalized strata of society.
nationalism we are talking about claims no boundaries, no enhanced features ethnic, racial or religious exemptions does not say, does not dig through the centuries to find the roots of supposed purity or nobility, but simply seeks to self-determination which can not to be democratic and social. A
deideologizzata certainly left that, however, does not compromise on public control of resources natural distribution of wealth, aware that the distribution is a result of the way in which it is produced .
The always surprising us that the Latin American continent may be left even bring up the national flag and to support the honor and burden of what the working classes.
The state is not of who uses it, but the use and exploitation of those
The construction used and exploited in a social and community identity of a nation uses the same identity as' Christian or at least a advanced reading and sometimes even revolutionary gospel, indigenous social patterns, an interpretation of the original Marxist thought and a certain Peronism.
This mixture leads to practices and attitudes objectively anti liberal and hostile to the United States. E 'being a sort of Latin American Renaissance: suggestive references to figures like Simon Bolivar and Emiliano Zapata mortem also the meaning of this resurgence.