Monday, September 22, 2008

What Volume Peroxide Do I Use With Wella


So rebel! A
Castelvolturno after a massacre of immigrants in Treviso after the ostentatious hostility and coarse the granting of a place of worship to the large Muslim community and, after repeated threats to any individual who wants to make available a space for Muslim prayer, and then, once in Milan an Italian citizen originally from Burkina Faso was bolted to death . Something is happening. Time is running out of the liability.
Living in this country without being born is not a good reason to suffer in silence.
It 's a trivial truth, but requires strong action to be established.
It 's time!
Before someone or something, be it state or institution other array, you decide to equip yourself for personal rights of a civil society and organized, however, you have natural rights is not the result of donations or goodwill of others, but the mere fact of its existence and to be part of the world.
No state, no police, no army never move a finger to secure these rights and to defend yourself when someone does not respect them. It 's a job for you!
Africans slaughtered in Campania, were immediately set drug dealers, murderers before they call their persecutors, the Burkinabe boy shot to death with a steel bar was quickly identified as a thief, the Islamists who want to celebrate their rites, such as terrorists or disrespectful of other faiths.
It 'clear that this company at this stage in history, wants to create conditions for not recognizing role and rights to others and, above all, to legitimize the arbitrary, setting it from time to time or as self-defense or as a re-appropriation of something which has been deprived.
This is not a sign of strength but weakness, sensation of death or extinction, fear, perhaps fear of being overwhelmed by something you need but also disgust.
Weakness and social schizophrenia generate monsters that act every day!
Fighting monsters and 'a right as well as a duty. A need
time philanthropic associations, service agencies, or unions of the various Christian charity show, now, short of breath. Gain visibility, corporeal: there to assert itself and not delegate to mitigate the damage. These special days
teach this and open up new perspectives to the claims of migrants. Back to the centrality of the living bodies of concrete actions, the facts.


Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Symptom Hurt Front Of Throat

BILAL: travel, work, die as a migrant. It is impressive but it is so

read some books can be a life experience, a kind of tipping point, from which our ideas are changing irreversibly, they feed not only new information but, above all, new codes of traumatic emotions and concepts: in short, a gap between a before and after.
Bilal is one of those books. The author Fabrizio Gatti, Espresso journalist, though, to define a journalist, these days, in which editors are full of press and stretch carpet, it seems very simplistic, if not offensive. Cats
to tell and describe reality with reality itself and not resort to the pages of Google or Wikipedia it, much less the method of cutting and pasting. Cats in this book deals with the biggest and most tragic human adventure of the third millennium: the exodus, the mass abandonment of the "misery" to the 'wealth'. It deals with the human condition mainly generated by these epic migrations, ie the condition of secrecy. From the Sub Sahara to southern Europe roam the invisible illegal immigrants. Humans pure state, without the frills, the protections and guarantees the rule of law and the services and care of the welfare state. They go step by step, in search of daily rations and their strange fate, always leads them there, where they are useful, for prosperity and wealth of those who pretend not to see them. It is impressive and awe understand in a detailed and documented that a human being with nothing but his human condition, it is an object of trade, exploitation, violence, arbitrary absolute. Man as such is worth nothing. Millions of people from the sub Sahara to Europe, whose power, in all its branches, may have as it wants, without either the interested parties or other institutions to say something. In the third millennium is so, from Niger to Libya to Italy and then beyond.
Cats decided to go through the immigration routes that lead from West Africa to Italy, passing through Libya and hell for the piece of sea that leads to the Sicilian coast .. Go to Senegal and from there, describes in detail this modern odyssey, step by step, humiliation for humiliation, harassment for harassment. From a clear picture of the amount of interest involved, the many gangs that act on poverty and the desire for emancipation, civil and military bureaucracies over the years have turned into a kind of paradise, and no man's land, all the areas crossed by routes despair. The 500 pages of Bilal not give respite to the reader, let it pass by a checkpoint, a camp of Al Qaeda, to be an oasis in the desert to a place where you can buy and sell women and men, their eyes the desperate stradded (street children, fled from their countries, with nothing waiting time to leave: a moment that can be a life long) to the faces of the pompous bureaucrats of the regime, which are villas with free labor and with blackmail perennial on desperate people waiting for their moment. The pages most disturbing concern, that great black hole and 'Libya few years ago a former interior minister had said that in Libya, there were two million immigrants ready as soon as possible, to leave for Italy. Cats try to explain, how they live and how they treated these foreigners in Libya, and the criminal use instrumental that makes the regime. Cannon fodder and that 'as an element used to regulate relations with its neighbors, including Italy: people to be exploited for the' local economy and also to make up for indolence of a people, made so by years of ideological indoctrination and torpor social and cultural mirror of repeated delusions of its leader over the years and that 'increased from pan-Arabism, Pan-Africanism to, until curious forms of pseudo-based on the work of foreigners, for the consumption of the premises. Cats' very effective and clear in explaining why it is much more convenient, for this scheme, maintain a situation like this that, in fact, gives them a considerable bargaining power, to manage their own business and the resulting international relations: a system that endorses the periodic pogroms against foreigners and all kinds of violence, both in the legal form of the concentration camps built with Italian soldiers, who impunity mass against perpetrators of actual lynchings.
pages most disturbing concern, but the Italian chapter. Gatti, giving up and assuming his identity to be that of Bilal from time to time, Kurdish, Bosnian, and later for a bit ', even South African, runs through the places that are dark pages, the dark face of our legal culture: Lampedusa and fields of tomato harvesting in Puglia. Beyond the Mediterranean and nothing changes, in some ways, certain mechanisms are improved, the overall design is completed and makes it more clear. If the local bosses African or Arab, the chalet was done with the work of despair, the Italian boss is marching the economy of Salento. It 's a trivial consideration, perhaps, a little' simplistic, but this teaches the cat's head. From the empirical evidence from direct perception, motivated by identification with the victim and the real knowledge, leading to a gradual understanding of things, without letting go easy to sociologists, the theoretical interpretations but very cold and often marred by an ideological way. And cats, and 'here its effectiveness, but maintains an ideal direct contact with those who are human rights, enshrined in the Enlightenment and which should stand up all relations and the human condition; records from time to time and accurately and pressing, all the episodes and situations, which are an insult, a violation of the sense of justice and human rights.
Cats who disguises himself as an immigrant, from despair, from Bilal, Bilal slowly becomes to the point of feeling like strangers and out of place, all those values \u200b\u200band principles on which he, democratic and civilized man, has grown and is formed.

PS: read the text of cats and, as ever, today, following an agreement between Libya and Italy.
The historical setting of compensation due to Libya for the years of colonialism, in fact conceals the nobility and made another treaty on the skin of immigrants. Especially the last chapters of the book documenting the tragic humanitarian consequences of all previously signed agreements between the two countries. LUIGI

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Top Ranking Laptops For Architects

It is impressive but it is so!! Those who oppose the leader of the Bel Paese is only the rule of law.
not a party, not an organization, not a union, not some association or human society.
opposes a category of human knowledge: the only way we could define the tangle of rules, principles and rules which we call the rule of law. A barrier
do you think one day the CSM, another to the opinion of some constitutional lawyer, sometimes to pronounce some of the European Commission. Even happens that some prefect put objections or concerns!
When you arrive at these levels, we are at the station before the terminus.
When the only dam in defense of civilization and simple common sense consists of a set of rules and principles that we have left the 800 children, we can not just do regular exercises of worship of the beautiful saving construction of our great-great grandfather, we would rather throw a blind eye to the landslide or the full on arrival. Throw
with courage and imagination, since we are well covered! Luigi
finotto "kamo"

Friday, May 23, 2008

How To Masterbate As Woman

24 maggio1991 ... Feast for habesciat

On 24 May 1991 the Eritrean People's Liberation Front enters the capital Asmara ending a war to win independence period thirty long years. The FPLE Isaias Afwerki relies on the leadership of the transitional government and a reconciliation conference enshrines the right to independence of Eritrea to be exercised through a referendum to be held two years later. On 24 May 1993, Eritrea is a plebiscite result declared its independence, becoming the youngest African state. In the coming days the Eritreans celebrate the worldwide occurrence of these two key events for their country
Happy Birthday my sweet home! Wait a bit .. 'and we'll be together for twenty days

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Hill Rom Versa Care Price


always wary of those who in the name of an alleged or science fiction, religion or spiritual rumination on the other gender, they start ravanare in my brain, trying causes, effects, links, associations, dissociations: developing magnificent paintings or distressing. Grinding my actions, my thoughts, to make a puzzle where the pieces are missing, as it happens, can you provide them and at modest prices (but with the bill .. only if requested)
All sciences that relate to the explanation, regulatory or coding of human behavior are very approximate, but an approximation that tends to build an indisputable fact, scientific fact, but rather the creation of free space, which engage in raids dreamy, literary, and critical operations weird ... .. or worse!
In the years that I had read and even with passion, to a lesser extent Freud and Jung. Beautiful humanists, literary luminaries, analysts refined the crisis of a particular man of the Mittlere Europe, the collapse disturbing archetype of an era, a system of values. Nobody has been able to explain how their the cultural and emotional background of the monster that was there to come: Nazism
huge and generous men, small and narrow-minded science that runs' on them! The
more than any other movement that characterizes the psychology of today is the result. The science that would sink into the shadows and dark spots, to emerge as a beam of light that explains that enlightens, but now is a stone plate, which gives form and color (gray) and imposes the horizon (for convenience) .
It 's a very conformist and aligned pseudo science, instrumental and superficial.
His favorite place of action is not the human being and his peculiar and irreducible humanity, but the company: the place that produces and reproduces objects and relationships, leveraging, once, on the physical and mental strength of workers, now, instead, drawing on the spirit and predatory "policy science" resources emotional, psychological, relational capabilities.
E 'hiring practices that exceed the screening of a "conversation" with the psychologist and it is very normal that the big companies do a continuous monitoring of "relationality''" within the company. It 'obvious that any internal restructuring, because it is often simplistic or destructive of rights presuppose the subtle persuasion, penetrating, invasive. Coercion can be subtle: History has shown that almost always, when and 'clear and explicit, generates opposition and conflict, at least, simple rebellion but if it retains the last act, that of the submission, subject to the same, it loses its violent and oppressive nature and acquires the character of persuasion. The care of the 'last act "is a matter of psychology, and the instruments available to it.
from end to middle. Each
restructuring, large or small, need for turning points, with joints: also generates, inevitably, criticism. However, the bearings, are times of spiritual growth, relational and emotional, the individual can not reject, otherwise it is inadequate to the universe: the critical weaknesses of the system are nothing more than character, serious incompatibility ', flaws that undermine the foundations of our balance.
I put in place the company and, while we are, you improve or even you I care.
income that you do is your health and your balance with the world.
Anyone who is found in these contexts, will have surely noticed that the first thing that immediately stands out and says it is the repudiation of the conflict, reducing it to pathology. There 'instead (special) a grid of possible problems with short and clear paths to reach the solution of the same. Are Only aftershocks best to shore up the building.
E 'fraudulent use of a science, the cap is put to its growth and evolution.
Why is granted to them that will please the appellation of psychologists, continue to perpetuate this colossal hoax? Because there is' no trace of distancing and disavowal of this kind of operation to be part of other psychologists? Because academic institutions have not decided to declare the total unfounded scientific and ethical betrayal of such a use of psychology? Yeah ... .. ', why?

Fino Luigi