Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Average Rent In Melbourne

Nobody knows.

I need to write, though I should be studying.
of time I have plenty of them, is not a problem, so I do not think my penis end soon (uuuuh, exaggerated!).

These days, nights that seem as the sky is dark (I like it like me), I'm keeping the heart and brain in perpetual activity. And 'bad. It's all bad, but you can-not-I do not want to run away, the problem is that I am aware that if you run there would be nobody there to say "no give, remains. Maybe even five minutes, but it remains."
A couple of friends, perhaps, would say, but if I run away could not even notice it. I am good at certain - these - things. I am also good with
bear the weight of my problems without a murmur, like the mules (good comparison, eh), I'm good to bear. I'm good to resist, to be quiet, not to mention untold secrets, but I am not good at living. Why?
Or maybe life is just that?
admire from afar the happiness of others. Maybe yes, maybe it's better, who knows, maybe I deserve it.
Why should I? Well, I have no idea, but there must be a moive, no? They say that "nothing happens by chance", is it true?
Nobody knows.

Nobody knows.
Nobody wants me to stay.
But nobody asks me to go away.
Nobody believes me indispensable.
But nobody believes me expendable.
Nobody hates me. None
m'abbia believe I ever loved, desired, yes, for sure. But then, what is love? Here we could discuss for hours, days, months, years. I will not, rest assured, I would not have anything to say, anyway.
Love, to me, is like an exam for which you have not studied. I'm not prepared (I think), and in any case would end badly (think you), then, even I come to give examination, even to "see how" (of course, if someone would offer me a ride, maybe).
E 'that is always about love. There is a reason, right?
And me? Who gives me a lift to go to this exam? So far I have only given an exemption, perhaps I can also pass the exam.

Ah no, true, I'm a horrible person surrounded by zombies as horrible.
are not superior to anyone, I will. And you are not superior to me, let this be known.
It 's always - and I say, always - the wrong approach to others thinking of being the best, nobody can think .
So I'm not better than you, indeed.
And, quite frankly, probably never will be.

Here, I knew, I was wrapped. How it works? How do I go on? What do I write? I mean, I'm thinking about too many things, many of them personally (granted, get your dicks here that you do not gossip!) and many others, however, also difficult to decipher and throw down in words. Many things that I think, maybe, I do not know if really I think. Or rather, I do not know if I agree.
epnsare you ever thought about one thing, but to disagree with that idea? Why not? From yes, you type a thought, however, will not you think, or thought you did not like. Or maybe yet, think of something, but you can not tell if that thought is yours, whether induced or not as I know, confusing, ambiguous or false.
No, why? To me it often happens, 's going on.
I'm crazy or am I a genius?
A psychologist (note: figure useless, vile, slimy-and short-parasite of modern society) with my blog would go to a wedding.
Fuck you asshole.

What a bore, I need to write, but not in the mood to live.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Letter Of Invitation To A Wedding United States

I never have long hair when I was about seven years.

Having / not having long hair mean while something? The "long hair" has always been a stereotype of femininity, in seven years-when I went with Dad to take away all the barber to cut my hair-what I wanted to prove? I have no memory. I think I wanted to remove most of the memory of my childhood, I was sad or too happy? Too happy with having to eliminate all memory, not to do then a comparison with my present life-and-setirmi therefore evil? Or maybe I was really shit and then I removed?
Pippon Or maybe they're all mental because, in reality, it is perfectly normal not to remember when he had almost a fucking small? Small, not stupid. There are those who unfortunately (because I say "unfortunately" no dick) life has known too soon.
"aridaje!" I do not want her pussy, as usual I have to specify for the inept, I'm just saying that sometimes "childhood" is not the same "carefree, happy-game-ignorance (I mean the good one)" childhood is for someone already bitterness!
I'm talking about me? Who knows, I've said before, I do not remember .. Or would it be better to say "do not possess memory," I have, but do not possess. Even if you lose your memory really has it, your memory is, no one can prvartene. At most you can lose it, but it's yours. More than anything else your, your memory is you. In a sense, perhaps, "the memory that one's self "(which is not always true) is important, what is yours is your true memory. In short, it's you.
However, what I'm saying?
Here we talked about hair. serious stuff. Mica and fig pizza (that I never understood that, please, spiegatemelo. No, I searched on google, I continue to trust in men).
should always have faith in people, though they may be crap, we must have. Otherwise would be all up in smoke, everything. And, unfortunately, more alive and more I see that things are definitely taking this horrible turn.
Alteration of every human relationship, mistrust, suspicion, malice and deceit who do nothing but create situations of embarrassment and discomfort that would otherwise if they had avoided such behavior would not have even existed.
A little 'as the story of the prophecy that autoadempie.
Here we go.
We are right there.
We're falling and we are increasingly intersecting in a vicious circle from which, once entered, is (too) hard to get. I'm not saying it is impossible, but it is certainly difficult.
When I do not know whether to feel "enlightened" (so, do not overdo it), or "half-mad, like the false prophets who will knock at the door (always a Saturday or Sunday morning then, when want to do anything but hear the terrifying sound of the doorbell), but in the end I think the findings are, of awareness of what surrounds us. Shit, yes, almost all crap.
Partly perhaps it is also our fault. Our? Mia? Yours?
No, I think not. I hope.
I'm raving, right? Help me. The fact is that today is a really weird day that began badly. After I woke up to go to class (yes, it's nice to go to class, though on Friday morning), I was asleep again like a moron. And there the conscience "good victory, good at it. Take 5 in the morning, good, you would not have even gone out, you're sick and you save up for that thing. " And after a few hours, again her little voice" that thing ... but do you realize? you have to study! you have to commit! you grow! you have to go! you have to stop being the prick. "What in the end, I am really that big dick? graduating at age 21 with a great (?) vote does not count for anything? Having addressed all those issues never give up, do not count for anything? Yes , counts for nothing. I'm a shit, a horrible person. ok.
Again, "good, you're putting to the test. but you sure can do it? and if it were just another failure? and if you can not do? good, well done "Sometimes I hate
the voice is really urgent, petulant, annoying and then I also Starla very unpleasant. Throw me down too often. Never a good word, and what the hell though! Maybe it was that little voice at the age of seven years, telling me to cut off all her hair? To confirm all of my "difference in being normal, as opposed to more"? Or just to "go against"? Or maybe it was not the voice.
The voice ruined forever (not by often) all I know-when-how to pass a fabulous evening, maybe a little 'drunk, what does the little voice? the next day is there ready to ruin everything with her "why did you drink? because you were late? perhè You kissed him? because you spent that money? ". My God, what suspense!
voice, I beg you, shut up! I have to study, I read, I have to live Do not put me forward! I've had enough of my for those things.
The terrible thing is that I have that little voice.

me think.
The real question is, but I'm wrong, or has the wrong voice?
Again, the terrible thing is that I have that little voice.
know? ( I do not think).

Anyway, I decided that I will stop my hair cut.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Implant Bleeding Clean Blood Or Blood With Tissue

Orbetello Synergy between the two associations for tourism Wedding
ORBETELLO - Interesting that the initiative undertaken by the Tourist Welcome Maremma Maremma. The two associations, which have as their primary objectives the development and promotion of the territory, they met at the hotel Vecchia Maremma. "This first meeting - explain the directors of the two associations - was aimed at the programming and planning of an effective collaboration that will be formalized with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding. This is due to a similarity of intent is found, not least and seek to create new synergies in the area
. The intention is to move forward together in joint activities to promote tourism in the territory, in the awareness of tourism and non-implementation of key projects for the creation and completion tourism products and optimization of tourist information. All this after having highlighted the problems that accompany tourism as coastal erosion, and links, the need to rediscover traditions and cultural identity. "In short, the official presentation of the first joint activities.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars Interrupted


Two important warnings for all participants in the FANTA-SENAVRA:

1) Due to time constraints and the difficulty of finding all the names with ease, playing against the St. Wednesday, 24/11 Chrysostom is not evaluated in the FANTA-SENAVRA. Resconto and report cards will still be made out of the match but you can deploy your training.

The seventh round of the FANTA-SENAVRA will be recovered with the first game you should play in the CIS Cup in December.

2) I have noticed that many participants will make a fine mockery of the Regulation and choose their training without the right policy, facilitated by the fact that I have little time / desire to check the correctness of names.

Henceforth then the controls will be more strict and careful. If you will not find a name will be assigned a regular 5 office under the name. No longer check the names above, you are sure you have chosen correctly. To make this easier and to remind those who have taken the last day now in the classifications you will find your score next to the names you have chosen the previous day.

I do not care anymore, so be careful. :-P

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Senavra Victoria - SG Bosco Vignate: 3 -0 Scoreboard

Third victory for our training!

in three sets our team ended the match against offering Vignate good evidence that once again demonstrates the progress made this year.

The team remained focused and attentive throughout the game, he let slip a few points and was effective in attack and the wall.

The three sets are done are all more or less the same way, with our team that has managed to distance themselves always around the 10th point and maintain the advantage until the end. The results of the three sets were 25-21, 25-19, 25-18.

only sore point was the nervousness that has affected some of our competitors at the start of the match due to some disputes with Gigi that refereed the match in the absence of the arbitrator CSI. Nervousness that has apparently caused tension and perhaps did not allow our adversaries to speak better and better.

Maybe once our training has made a bit 'few changes, in a game that would allow them to try new solutions. However

Victory Senavra take home the third victory and prepares for the final game of going against the S. Chrysostom.


Marta: 7 +
good job of dribbling even if you miss a couple of doubles that Gigi does not (to us as their opponents). Less effective than usual in the courts. The + if it takes you to an attack on exceptional point.

Matthew: 6.5 Good performance as always wrong but a couple of defenses at the end of the match and go into a panic. Score is lowered for the unjustified nervousness.

Valeria: 6.5 good performance as always by Valeria. Do not see much in attack but are raised a few balls.

Andrea: 6.5 Rizz also offers some nice moments in the game. In a couple of occasions takes full advantage of his height and wall overcomes the opponent as if he had not before.

Gianandrea: 8 excellent performance of our activities. Really recovered many balls in the evening that seemed already lost. Supports well and is always on the ball.

Federica: 7 + Excellent game for her. Also recovered many balls and subnet attacks puiuttosto well. Wrong and just play well.

Paul: He 7.5 in the evening, especially in the first set where it is cooler makes life impossible for attacking opponents with his wall. Each ball up well to him and becomes almost always sharp.

Lorenzo: 6 / 7 After almost three games in a stationary part of the field and not doing badly. The vote would be 6.5 + but adds a great run to the wall in the entry field.

Ale, Giorgia, Giulia, Tweety: 6 + rating office to the bench, as it is because I wanted to put it.
In the evening

updates standings!

Friday, November 19, 2010

How Much Colyte Must I Drink


Here we are at the sixth day of the championship and therefore also the sixth day of FANTA-SENAVRA!

After the 3-1 defeat against Fides our training will be hosting this Sunday, November 21 at 19:30 Vignate the team of friends with whom we had already played a friendly pre-season interrupted at 2-2.

This is the squad for this match:

Men: Alexander
Kitchen (Player Coach) Andrea Rizzardi

Matthew Paul Buscemi
Lorenzo Todaro
Gianandrea Barinotti (Free)

Women: Marta
Valeria Bonfante
Federica Giorgia Fiorini
Valentina Giulia Occhini

remember the rules: two men and two women each, you can choose only one of the players chosen last time.

Write a comment under this topic or go to the Facebook page dedicated to select your training!

1 Week Lateand Thrush

I wanted to say anything.

I could have sworn that he would not spent so little time between a post and another.
there and I could have sworn I was wrong.
I would not fall into the commonplace, in Criticón absurd and not at all funny. Is nevertheless clear that (here) is not really "being funny" my main goal. In fact, here I have no particular goals in general and the nice thing about "my niche" - I believe - is really this, without writing for specific purposes. I think (I know it is a repetition of ugly, but it is the more appropriate term, because the "beliefs" really not that I suppose you think or what I'm about to say, "believe" really), sindacalbiissima my opinion, we should be a bit 'to recover all these "no purpose", the act (in each activity and social interaction, in every relationship with each other) without aiming at specific uses. The goals alter the reports.
What a beautiful sentence I just wrote. The aims
alter the relationship, yes.
I think this is so.
I do so, at least then he / he sees it and maybe then responds / does not react well.
Gentlemen, open your ears, "I say to you" (I quote this joker Jesus, but without elevate a new messiah - for now): ARE all bull.
Altering attitudes and reactions is not really living. And what's more I think it is unjust, unfair and very often cowardly. If you think only the ultimate goal, you tend to use whatever means we understood each eye, even incorrect ones. I do not want stoned here with what he said to riguarmo Rosmini, but I find it is true what I just said I also think that more and think about this (if only we did) would be useful to improve, improve. You can not lose sight of all that lives before the "end". Lose sight of ourselves.
Too many do not want to be a Supreme Judge, is a simple observation and do not tell me that's not true.
Tap here to make a comment that unfortunately I would gladly avoid, but it touches to tell the truth: you too have noticed that this type of behavior is more often deployed by "we women" (I hate this expression, I think it would be better - especially in these cases - use the term "female" as animals, as they do when behaviorists observe and study the behavior of various animal species, often very best of us)?! Why, I say, why?! And then while we expect to be "better than them." "They," what do we fear?! The truth is that we are not better. Even worse. "They," I feel almost be said, are often "better" than us because more "bestial", driven by instincts and do not (generalized) i milleduecentosettantatremila Pippon mind that "we women" (My God, that immense hatred) do. I close the parenthesis here, "animal" because I think too many things coming standard to say, but I'm already lasted far too long and would end with the annoying people who happen by chance on this blog and will take the trouble to read my lines.
return to us.
Why do sexist racism? We are just people, we are "equal." Who asshole and who is not beautiful and those who did not, who and who is not an idiot .. Simple! Then, well, I assume (but I say to those who use unwary misrepresent what I say) that there are certain behaviors-such as that described in a more-typical or sex.
Come on!? I feel stupid to specify, but since this supposed to "small problems" seeds of misunderstanding I deleted all forms of discourse and dialogue with others (in the "real" life, not here) then I tend to specify and try to evade any incomprehension.
menarmela I do not want, but I do not think these misunderstandings are my problem.
Nono even want to set themselves up as the goddess of wisdom, or perhaps as a form of genius, but people sometimes (too often, the better) is really stupid. I'm talking about stupidity, the real one, which for me is the greatest evil of the worst evils.
The problem lies I think almost everything, not in listening skills and language (even if we could come back here to talk about those famous "for" ruining everything, but I will refrain for now because my brain is still developing a specific theory about it, we have to think up some more 'and then v'attacco "er Pippone" well on that!).
I know listen, I observe. It is not always a good thing, if you do then you know to get there (close to) the truth, but the truth is tough.
life (not to everyone else scontatezza) is tough.
But I say thanks for every day of shit (like this).
Chi says he knows "strabuzzerà eyes after this sentence. Well, "I say to you" (again): "Perhaps then, cuckoo, has very little to know what you think. Good morning!"

And I will end here,

PS and think that this post was initially started after a "crisis" to see how many kids due to tristeza "emo" and stoned idiots (the term is more appropriate, really, I swear) There are about tumblr. How sad, "mode of the suffering, tattoos, drugs and meaningless pictures.
Suffering is another thing, tattooing is not fashionable, I will not dwell on drugs because I am quite right-triticale and photos, please, do not speak vabeh because they are not good, but ... to the wise is ..!

Adieu *

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

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SENIOR SERVICES AND PRICES MAGLIANO poor but 90% on their annual holidays The point made by visitors on tourism is the result of 1,800 interviews 'summer'
has proved a success the second conference on tourism held in Borgo Magliano Maremma Consortium. More 150 industry players to listen to the trials carried out in Maremma and discuss the proposed solutions. Interesting interventions at the provincial Tourism, the provincial Agriculture and Chelini Rossi, as well as those of the Maremma Tapinassi Apt director of Piattelli, coordinator of the BTO (Tourism Exchange Online). Tofanelli was attended by the Mayor of Magliano, Bellumori for Capalbio Ortelli and to the Island of Giglio was observed in the absence of representatives of Orbetello and Monte Argentario, in a moment of confrontation important issue for tourism. Analysis of interviews with tourists in the area (about 1800), resulted in a number criticality of the area, such as the lack of public transport and parking, the lack of professionalism in some operators, the lack of attention to a young audience and, in some cases, high prices in relation to services received. At the same time of great opportunities have emerged: respondents were satisfied with the environment and quality of life, 90% said they would return to holiday in the Costa d'Argento. In the latter part of the conference offers the solution to the problem Maremma transport, opening up a working group with the Tiemme (regional consortium which also participates in the Rama) and the Province of Grosseto.

Michele Casalini

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I thought that was the case.

I thought it was useless to continue to write most of my asssurdi mental journeys, even thought it was useless to continue to draw. I thought a lot of things wrong.
Why should we stop doing what we like maybe it was just because sad or what we like because it is not directly useful for specific purposes or objectives prefissatisi for their lives? Objectives which, among other things, probably never reach and that, often, are goals that we ourselves have data, but which are totally wrong and inappropriate to what we really are.
The problem is, in fact, not knowing what we really are. I always say: "awareness is the key." Not only I say, if you do not trust me. What then, I did not even conoscte and already do not trust? You are always the same, there is nothing to be done.
I said, "what we do - pia - ce. And if I did not know what I really like? And if there for years we were hidden in false pleasures? And if, instead, for years we lied to ourselves and pretend that the easiest way, and the worst and most insidious form of all fiction? And if, again, for years had tried to "grow" abandoning the passions? Now all we would end up with a mess on his head to say the least massive, rather small but very concentrated, like a deadly poison.
again, and if you knew very well what we love, that makes us feel good, but at the same time what makes us feel good (or as I said, our "passion", if you will. Although the concept here of passion and the love / what makes me feel good I might quibble for another hour, but - for now - let me lose. is that, once accomplished / done / finished / eat / swallow / drink / fuck / love / seen / drawn, it makes us feel bad? If all you want is also all that then destroys us and makes us feel empty, or worse, dirty and full of guilt?!
If so ... What do we do?!
We love and suffer? Play without laughing? Or maybe fuck and cry, like those little men who whimper during intercourse?
I think all these assumptions and these questions have made me lose the thread of real speech. I jumped on a radically different from the start, but I'd say it's okay.
We said, if it was all so complicated? Stupid question. In fact all these "complications" are not "real hassle, indeed. They simply are the result of our ignorance, our "will not do anything," of our being disgustingly spoiled, our "I always have to complain" and, of course, lead nowhere.
Things are actually much simpler. The problems, real ones, in the end all you help. Awareness, only she can be your friend, not "people" (generalized, and that no one is called into question because they misrepresent the words is something I hate).
Anyway, I should go back to what I wanted really say, but you know, I am not good at speaking, I am not able to go out and even writing.
Maybe I will refrain this time from him even say what I wanted.
Maybe I just lost time, once again. I do it too often. (Take note: stop wasting time.)
Maybe what I just detot is wrong, because Øvre stop wasting time? Sometimes "losing time" wonderful things happen, you meet wonderful people (even horrible, it goes without saying).
No, take note: do not stop wasting time. More than anything else I really should start again to lose time ... Maybe start writing again, drawing, painting, photograph and read as much as I did at one time.
I should. We should all.
I should also love me a little 'more, but I have never done that, but that's another story. This also let it be.

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It has proved a success the II Conference on the Silver Coast Tourism, held this week in Borgo Magliano Maremma Consortium. More than 150 industry players to listen to the trials carried out in Maremma and discuss the proposed solutions.

interesting interventions at the provincial Tourism, the provincial Agriculture and Chelini Rossi, as well as those of the Director of the APT Maremma Tapinassi, Dr. Robert Piattelli, coordinator of the BTO (Tourism Exchange Online), Director-At Cipa. Grosseto. Speakers included the Mayor Tofanelli Magliano in Toscana, Bellumori for Capalbio Ortelli and for the Isola del Giglio; was observed in the absence of representatives of the municipalities of Orbetello and Monte Argentario, in a moment of confrontation important issue for tourism.

analysis of interviews with tourists in the Costa d'Argento (about 1800), resulted in a number of critical regions, such as the lack of public transport and parking, the lack of professionalism in some operators, the lack of attention to a public youth and, in some cases, high prices in relation to services received. At the same time of great opportunities have emerged: respondents were satisfied with the environment and quality of life, 90% said they would return on holiday in the Silver Coast.

many and varied topics covered during the day: the presentation of the Silver Coast project, conceived and proposed by Maremma (Silver Coast's application for UNESCO World Heritage, the creation of the "Club of product" brand Côte d ' Silver typical products, the establishment of a committee on sports events, a sports tourism destagionalizzante, a "Festival international touring, the networking of nature reserves and footpaths).

The conference gave room for the presentation of some projects: the creation of a pole connected to the sea sports (windsurfing, kite surfing etc..) Bay of Telamon, with redevelopment of the area and employment opportunities of about 75 work units, the project of sporting events like the World Cup Polynesian canoes.

He also dealt with the problem of beach erosion that plagues much of the coastline, with a speech by Mr. Paolini, representing the Association Procosta. In the latter part of the conference offers the solution to the problem Maremma transport, opening up a working group with the Tiemme (regional consortium which also participates in the Rama) and the Province of Grosseto.

Michele Casalini

Monday, November 15, 2010

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brief summary of the game last Thursday:
committed against our team topping the group took home a 3-1 defeat with a little 'regrettable because in contrast to expectations, managed to play all the way .

The first two sets are won by our opponents, but we are behind them, lying in wait. We sweat every point and play pretty well. The third set

a bit 'to the surprise win for us, thanks to a spectacular connunbio Martin-Matthew, which leads us to victory.

In the fourth we return loads and fatigue motivated but a funny thing and despite a very good start we lower our level of play that allows players to recover and end the game.

Parties, however, has shown that, if we can maintain the right concentration, we can play with any team in the group. Perhaps it would be better to make more changes available in our team are very rarely made, resulting in those who remain in the field of play having 4 or more sets without rest.


Martha 6.5 Not an outstanding performance as other times but certainly enough. Great September 3 with Matthew, however, misses many recoveries in the network (fault shared with the rest of the team that supports evil).

Matthew: 8.5 In the evening and in super-super-form. Really deadly, hit any ball from any position and opponents can not stop it. A jackhammer.

Paul: 7.5 Paul also is in the evening. Does his job with diligence and expertise. Too bad for a line pulled from inside the camp, which makes him the prize guadagnara "Lost Point" of the evening.

Valeria: 7 Award also constant. That is never lowers, or almost, his level of play. E 'from the first game that keeps a good game, very impressive.

Federica: 6.5 good moments interspersed with the usual moments of nervousness. Overall a good performance.

Alessandro: 6 + How Federica. A quarter of a vote less for the inexplicable fact that mistakes in the game the jokes are always in the training.

Andrea and Gianandrea: 6 Or rather Without Vautazione. Are made to play only the first set, which certainly does not shine, but do not combine even disasters. In my opinion could be made back then, perhaps after a pause.

Giorgio, Lorenzo, Vil, Tweety: 6 long bench for a few changes. They suffer and rejoice with Gigi.


The "Arbitressa": 8
addition to being balanced in the calls, do not think twice to return to the manager and the bench players when it Started to take the words too colorful tones. In the evening

updated charts!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Really Watery Cm Late Period

Scoreboard: Day 5

Here we are at the fifth day of the championship and therefore also the fifth day of FANTA-SENAVRA!

Fresh from victory over Kolbe the team will travel to Victoria Senavra Away in the field of Fides Thursday, November 11 at 21:30. Team certainly challenging, we must play a great game.

This is the squad for this match:

Men: Alexander
Kitchen (Player Coach) Andrea Rizzardi

Matthew Paul Buscemi
Lorenzo Todaro
Gianandrea Barinotti (Free)

Marta Valeria Pisani
Giorgia Fara
Valentina Stefani Federica Fiorini

remember the rules: two men and two women each, you can choose only one of the players chosen last time.

Write a comment under this topic or go to the page Facebook dedicated to select your training!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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Senavra Vittoria - Kolbe: 3 - 1 + FANTA-SENAVRA


The fourth game of the season brings to our great team their second win. And what's more against our beloved neighbors in Kolbe!
A fairly long and sometimes very challenging, but it showed how the work in training has led to many results.
The team was definitely charged and the desire to rebuild after a Pantigliate not exceptional performance and for once managed to maintain their concentration for most of the game, do not panic at crucial moments (which were many).

Training unchanged for all four sets in our team. The guys in the field are working well and those who remain on the bench can enjoy a good show by their comrades. In the field
Marta dribble, and Paolo Rizzo in the center, opposite Valerie, Matthew and Vil as bands and Gianandrea free Rizzardi.

The first set begins in a balanced way, it goes hand in hand up 10 points. Then we can take some advantage to the end points where opponents attempt a recovery that nearly succeeds. Fortunately, we can close the set before they can become dangerous and force advantages.

In the second set things go better for us, because even a temporary blackout of the adversaries that forces them to ask for two time-out in a short time and perform a number of changes. Can we take a ten point lead and although a bit caliamo 'rhythm in the final distance is too great to be recovered and brought home on September 2 without complications.

In the third set our opponents taking and a bit of caliamo against 'us. At a September 4 innings opponent sends us a bit 'in crisis, and we take 5 / 6 points in a row that complicate things much. Past the time we begin a slow recovery but our opponents 25-23 in their favor closing block.

Having lost third set putting a little 'anxiety. But the team returned to the field office as well as the opponents are no less. Towards the end manages to take the Kolbe a certain advantage in taking on the 22-18. With a great recovery unable to recover, overcome them and win the set, showing a strength and a fighting spirit rarely seen in the game.

brought home 3 full points, with a good win against a team much more tricky in the S. Pius V, which shows the growth of our training. The work done
really see. We hope to continue on this road!


Marta: 7.5 Also the hub of the team almost never wrong in confusion. The "half" proven successful in the training well and has now found an excellent relationship with Paul. Also, as always in deadly joke.

Paul: 8 finally in good shape! Receives and defends but also crush, crush, crush! Helped by the fact that it had almost never pulls down the wall against a missile after another.

Valentina S.: 7 debut as the holder because of the many absences of women, played an excellent game Vil. You lose a bit 'in reception at certain times (see 3rd set) but not demoralized and again. Voting to grit!

Valeria: 6.5 Always a good performance by Valeria that this year is maintaining a remarkable consistency. Does its job without any problems from the opposite. He lost concentration for a moment the defense in the third set and missed a couple of jokes, but nothing irreparable.

Matteo: 6.5 also good performance of our band man, often a key play to close long. It leaves a bit 'nervous at one point, dropping a bit' rhythm, but the final shooting.

Gianandrea: 6.5 now know how to do his job well. Sbagliucchia some ball, but nothing serious. The tight white T-shirt is too cool ...

Andrea: 8.5 Ok, never seen Andrea in such good shape. Maybe less efficient but Paul certainly played his best game of all time ... recoveries, walls ... and crushed! That is, the Gigi taught him to really crush! Of course, his vote is so high due to unbridled physical attraction of the undersigned against him while playing. The coolest of the team.

Alessandro, Giorgio, Lorenzo, Valentina V. : 6 + With a team so there was no need to change. + On the bench is given by the terrible emotional disorders that we have had to endure in the end the set. From heartbreak!

reception number 9 in a line of Paul Kolbe: 9 + At one point, nine of the opponents of Paul receives a short stop in an incredible way. Then his comrades are wrong. But he was a cool.

Rank available late in the evening!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Listerine Strips And Pregnancy

Scoreboard: Day 4

Here we are at the fourth day of the season (we are already more than half round, urca!) And therefore also the fourth day of FANTA-SENAVRA!

Alice is always at the top and absolutely must be stopped! I appeal to others in the top of the standings to unseat the infamous red.

's game this week will be held Sunday, November 7 at 7:30 p.m. in the gym and will face our team against the beloved cousins \u200b\u200bagguerritissimo oratory Kolbe.

This is the squad for this match:

Men: Alexander
Kitchen (Player Coach) Andrea Rizzardi

Matthew Paul Buscemi
Lorenzo Todaro
Gianandrea Barinotti (Free)

Marta Valeria Bonfante
Giorgia Pisani

Valentina Stefani Valentina Valentina Vecchio
Occhini (x perhaps in disease, not selected for the Jack-SENAVRA)

remember the rules: 2 men and 2 women each, you can choose only one of the players chosen last time.

Write a comment under this topic or go to the Facebook page dedicated to select your training!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Wood Building Games Online


I will be brief, because it is already gone a bit 'of the game day memories are not as vivid (ah. .. age!).
However, defeat Away for the education of our alternating moments of good play with the usual black-out stages. Good

the beginning of the first set, which also brings us the advantage, caliamo gradually resume in the finale and we leave. The second continues along the lines of the first and we can not be effective. In the third
we awaken suddenly, starting to play seriously, but not enough EEI our adversaries, the two sets won loads do not let yourself be surprised and even more difficulty with the last close in September
The referee, well known for our training, certainly does not help to remain calm, with some calls (both sides) really questionable.

Here are the votes for The Fanta-Senavra:

Marta: 7.5 plays the game well and concentrated. A security.

Paul: 7 - E 'in form, but in the third set is in better shape. So in the first two was not in form.

Gianandrea: 6 + enough performance, but less effective than usual.

Valeria: 6.5 does not attack much but helps a lot in the Martha recoveries.

Matthew: 6 + Present but not decisive. E 'lightly loaded ball and misses a few too many.

Andrea: 5.5 Good and evil together. Perhaps more harm than good. Certainly can do much better.

Lorenzo: 6 Replaces Andrea in the final set, but it is very incisive.

Federica: 7 + focused and attentive. It lets you take the nervousness in the middle game, but its preservation is a good level.

Alessandro: 7 + excellent presence on the field. Many effective attacks and recoveries. Risks losing a wrist against the bench to save a ball.

Giorgia, Valentina V., Giulia: 6 rating office for the bench.

Sorry for the brevity, but the commitments are too many for yours truly. In the evening we update the standings.