Friday, August 24, 2007

Master Lock Combination 175 Recovery


These excerpts here are excerpts from the writings of Serge Latouche I collected, I hope with coherent and consistent policy.
Latouche has the distinction of being one of the first and, alas, still one of the few Western intellectuals have attempted to "read" the non-Africa economic and social categories according to the West, beyond the usual platitudes . Trying instead
endogenous and creative aspects of evolution and emancipation of Africa.
avoided like the plague term development.
Latouche speaks about Africa, such concepts as informal economy and society venacolare
But this I leave you to follow

"If you have a vision centered on the development, economistic vision, that is if you think that development is universalizable and that there is no salvation outside of strong economic growth, then you may have, the informal economy in Africa, only a negative point of view, at best condescending. The face of evidence of the success of some entrepreneurs from the barefoot ", you can recognize with sympathy the success of the DIY. However, you will always see in the informal economy of expedients lack of anything better. Estimating the informal economy with the dominant meter western horizon and development, and reducing the social aspect in a picturesque, complement or the only important thing, the economy, it is tempting to see this reality as a kind of substitute for atypical development. Ridiculous or respectable, but always in want of anything better, that is waiting to arrive to the promised land of modernity. In short, you will see in the informal just a figure of transition, rather than a laboratory of the other doposviluppo.Vedere Africa as a laboratory of doposviluppo informal means rather see the positive view of itself as far as possible, ie function its own rules, and not commensurate with the development paradigm. "

"that interests us in the informal economy is not, although other, it was in another company. The statement there is empowerment in itself, it is dissolved, embedded (embedded in the terminology of Karl Polanyi) in the social economy, especially in complex networks that structure the popular cities of Africa. That is the definition of "society venacolare" is more appropriate to speak of this reality, not that of "informal economy". The company
"First of all, these are the ways in which the castaways of development produce and reproduce their lives, outside the official camp, through strategies relational. These strategies incorporate all sorts of economic activities, but these activities are not (or minor) professionalised. The tricks, DIY, the ability to fend of each are part of networks. I "connected" form of clusters. After all, these strategies are based on a subtle game of "drawers" social and economic strategies are comparable to family members, who are in most cases, the strategies of the housewives, but transposed into a society where extended family members are counted hundreds. I "connected" are often very different religion, ethnicity, social status, and very numerous. May be more or less incorporated into the extended family. The networks are structured In fact, the model of the family according to the logic of the clan, with social mothers and older brothers "

" vernacular society (neo-clan or oikonomia, as described in my book) is at first sight, especially women, based on multiple jobs, not on the professionalism and strategic relationships. The artisans of the mass economy are perhaps less professional than they think or are not likely to see. Nolte pluri-active and are often too dependent on their social network. They are all in doposviluppo.Perciò, we must analyze the incorporation of this in the social economy, to see how the company doposviluppo found the logic of the gift.
The excluded the great companies realize the miracle of their survival reinventing social ties and making it work. Excluded from the canonical forms of modernity, the nation-state citizenship and participation in the domestic market, they live, in fact, thanks to the solidarity networks neoclaniche. But to explain how they live and survive the populations of the other Africa, we must begin by denouncing the economic and developmental illusion, then analyze the complexity of the devices that ensure the survival of the survivors and the logic that allow the scheme riproduzione.Lo Reading and economic development leads to many distortions and contradictions. "

" Take the money. It is ubiquitous of fact and imagination, but it has the same meaning or the same use, the economists on the planet and that of survivors. The same interests and talk about hot money money cold. The money involved in networks is opposed to the currency of the white exterior and abstract. The first, in general, small-denomination coins and tickets greasy and greasy, is knotted in the corner of a loincloth and hidden under clothing, is pulled out with caution and reticence, counted and recounted in the hope of a discount. The second is that of NGOs, technical assistance. It has millions and is dissipated into abstraction. Anyway, that is consumed or so ostentatious that it serves the collective survival, the money is not an end itself.
Regarding the price, this is rather the result of a negotiation, not a market. Despite the penetration of commodity relations and the monetization of trade, the actors strive to maintain the primacy of interpersonal relationships in the anonymous play of supply and demand. We must respect the statutes, to take into account the context as a whole, know how to lose a bit 'to win in other ways. Thus, currency and commodity relations would run a non-commercial. Let's be clear: what is meant by a society that, while practicing a trade and knowing many intense circulation of money, does not obey the massive commercial logic "

"decreed that non-Western countries were underdeveloped, economists have decided that they were miserable. It is known that in the major languages \u200b\u200bof Africa there is a word that designates the poor in the economic sense of the word. The words used to translate "poor" actually means "orphan". It 'worth noting that in all the circumstances of everyday life, references to the misery is not immediately refer to the lack of money, but the lack of social support. Poverty is linked to an individualistic conception of society. "
" This resistance standards that incorporate the value of solidarity in a metaeconomico (more social than economic, that is), allows this reversal of meaning and statutes, conditions for the emergence of a genuine post-modernity. In other words, what makes it possible in this way is the refusal of the devaluation of himself decreed by the West, and partly accepted, and the appropriation of an identity. "

." Poverty presupposes a comparison of the individual isolated with his impotence. In a society where reigning at the same time solidarity and hierarchy, this is not relevant "
" Rationality African who think they see on the successes of the informal, and from which some think to derive specific management manuals to be used by candidate entrepreneurs local or foreign investors, is also an illusion. In this desire to attribute every success to rationality, there is a sign of arrogance and a great unconsciousness ethnocentric. Under the pretext that the informal enterprises operate, it is concluded that being can only be rational, then obey the great Western myth of rationality "

" The economy is characterized by modern and Western rationality. In theory there is only one way to be rational, while there are many to be reasonable, which is why the company is the place of multiple vernacular. In the literature on the informal, the term "multiple employment" means more often than the fairly widespread phenomenon of dual activity. This dual activity relates to the situation in the formal sector wage (official or employee) that the army outside of his work a second job. In neoclaniche networks, where official activities are quite rare, especially multiple jobs recalls the variety of devices and the work put in place to survive. It has to do with a lack of professionalism, which does not mean lack of competence. "

. They invented the flexibility ahead of its time ... At the other extreme, the non-professional multiply the expedients which they draw their resources. In Douala, investigations on employment, many young workers do not claim as a profession: débrouillard (cunning, who knows how to stop it ...) "

" Beyond the multiple activities and non-professionalism, what strikes the observer to the clusters of "connected" society vernacular is the importance of time, energy and resources devoted to social relationships. Although there unfolds a strenuous activity, it would be improper, in most cases, talking about real work. The meetings, visits, receptions, discussions take a long time. Giving and borrow, donate, receive, help each other, make an order, deliver, inquire occupy most of the day, not to mention the time spent at the party, dance, dream and play ... "
"They are the laboratories of the future, laboratories doposviluppo. Economists consider that this form of voluntary exchange, without official status and on the margins of the law, the most liberal of the official market, we get bogged down as the economists Hernando de Soto and Guy Sorman, who see in the informal Third World is a popular capitalism and a breeding ground for entrepreneurs beggars. "
"Allows you to revitalize the local community without any external capital. It helps to be aware of local problems, to seek practical solutions, concrete and realistic. Reduces imports, waste and pollution resulting from transport. Without fuss, without statements, the "informal" do nothing of the other Africa diverso.C 'experience is a lesson in vernacular African society that can serve also to all those involved in alternative enterprises. The alternative management needs to lean on "niche" rather than play the market, which is a concept of military strategy, a concept of conquest and aggression. It 'not linked to the rational and the reasonable. "

" The niche is an ecological concept, much closer to ancient prudence (phronesis of Aristotle). The company Alternatively, live or survive in an environment that is or should be, different dall''ambiente market. And 'this environment that we need to define, protect, maintain, strengthen and develop. Rather than fighting desperately to maintain its market sector, it is necessary to widen and deepen the military niche.


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