SAFETY IS BUILT Primarily through adherence to legality 'BY INSTITUTIONS.
No doubt propagandistic initiative by certain mayors in the Veneto region around the arbitrary affixed by order of further restrictions beyond those required by law, registry entry of foreign nationals in their Communities . I will not dwell further on this aspect of political, but I want to emphasize that, even more disturbing side of the law.
As should be known to most people, in fact, our Constitution reserves to the exclusive jurisdiction of the state law on citizenship, civil status and register offices.
In no way does this matter may be the prerogative of regulatory authority or order of Mayors.
In fact, they act in the service population as government officials, or both, take on simple tasks management services that are full and exclusive state jurisdiction. This obliges them, apparently, to act only according to the dictates of the law.
And the law is very precise in such a sensitive field of administration, in which constitutional provisions are combined with full individual rights, universally recognized persons.
Both the tasks and the procedures to be taken in case of birth registration of citizens of non-EU and EU are, for reasons stated above, set out in detail since
For non-EU the problem does not arise since, in the context procedures for obtaining residence permits, the Police, first, verify that the conditions of income, employment and related to national security that does not preclude the issuance of residence permit, which, in itself, enrollment is eligible to register offices, according to the same rules as for Italian citizens.
is different for citizens Community. They may stay in the territory of the state, with their families, without any conditions and formalities for a period not exceeding three months. Instead, the EU citizen intends to stay for longer than three months, must show they have a job and sufficient resources for themselves and their families, so as not to weigh them dependent on social welfare and health of the country of residence . It can remain in Italy, also, to follow courses of study or vocational training. Point.
These are the rules and they must adapt to the mayors in the official register with them and the employees which has been paid a proxy to that effect. The rest is just talk, rambling chatter of those who want to pick up a handful of votes making a mockery of every norm and rule. There are no checks that the municipal authorities can do about a criminal record, either in Italy or abroad, since the prognosis of subjects on social dangerousness is the prerogative of governors and judges, there are denials all possible preventive 'birth registration, but the only possible future testing, for EU citizens, who spent three months from their arrival in Italy they are able to maintain, Ben
severe, would be the consequences of the breach by the Mayors of state standards regarding registry and marital status. They submit not only the body but the same ministry dell’Interno all’azione di risarcimento dei danni, ancora una volta a carico della comunità ed espongono l’Italia intera all’irrisione del resto d’Europa. Se si applicassero infatti i principi di reciprocità comunque vigenti in diritto internazionale, pensate a quanti italiani tornerebbero da Germania, Francia, Romania…
Insomma ce n’è abbastanza per ipotizzare reati quali l’abuso d’Ufficio, l’omissione di atti d’Ufficio, il non rispetto di trattati internazionali e direttive CEE. Credo, in conclusione, che, per il bene ed il prestigio del paese e per l’affermazione di un vero principio di legalità, corra l’obbligo, a questo punto, che le prefectures act for compliance with state proceedings if proof were needed, the activation of procedures for the removal of mayors inottemperanti.
Roberto Del Bello
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