AMP, dilate, stretch and overturning OF ITALIAN WORDS OF ASMARA (Angelo Granara) AS ME!
WE ARE NOT and have never been pleasant and sweet like our nostalgia (dedicated to MOTHONI)
When I look back on the years in Eritrea assails me a sense of frustration because I feel deprived of a good and a advantage to which I diritto.O which, at least, thought to have diritto.La deprivation of this right has caused me a strong sense of disappointment that sometimes turns into resentment, bitterness and sadness and a kind of prolonged 'injustice against vita.Tutti these feelings mixed with deep and irrational love that bound me to you, dear Asmara, are the source of the strange disease that goes by the name of Mal d'Africa. But Mal d'Africa who has lived in Eritrea is something different from what you write and talk so much. It 'a kind of sweet insanity understandable, perhaps, that unrepeatable habitat, those conditions of life that today might be called "human scale" with abused espressione.L' Eritrea for many years was a successful example of multi-racial society: Eritreans, Italians, Indians, Yemenis, Greeks, English, Americans ... Catholics, Copts, Protestants, Muslims, Jews, Buddhists, all together they had reached a good level of harmony, as an alliance in the interest comune.Il set in all weather conditions in favor and fascinating landscape diversity.
But, in my opinion, the cornerstone of all quest'amalgama was the ownership of their own time, from the certainty, that is, not to depend almost exclusively from others. I try to explain. He had the confidence to plan their daily activities without having to consider the variables represented by traffic jams, queues at the counters, public transportation, events, elections, national, regional and comunali.Allora was different: there was no time to waste time , stopping at the bar to have coffee with friends, going home for lunch, but here in Italy I learned to eat standing up as the horses and football matches to book a meal or one week in advance. Looking back on all this I'm struck by the frustration that he was deprived of the right to manage my time. But then, I reflect and try to look at things objectively. I had this really right? By what right could I claim it in finding other people's homes? Because the truth is this, we were guests in Eritrea, and as guests we had no rights or momentary perpetui.A it now I realize that frustration, bitterness and disappointment have no reason to be, have the right to existence only nostalgia and regret for a period of life we \u200b\u200bhave and I was lucky enough to live. I regret my childhood memories that I remain while Eritrea remains for me the "sweet madness." Today Eritrea is far from me, hopelessly distant and alien to my everyday life, I can finally, slowly, recovering, accepting its harsh rules. Today, Eritrea to be me, means to fight and challenge the sense of pleasure and possession, which was also mine, and that turns into nostalgia-flavored fascist. Just was banished and stripped of everything, why we were thieves and murderers
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