Friday, August 28, 2009

Groping Japanese Molest Train


We are the usual: every quarter or so, is the rite of "discovering hot water". The hot water (one of many hot springs) are talking about the news of the massive presence of wear and invasive in the economy of eastern Veneto region: of that vast area that goes from coast to Sandonatese Iesolano.Il rooting some related crime in glove to the economic development of this area is a fact and it is now ascertained truth storica.La presence in the Camorra Sandonatese far back as the time of the manor and his band Sandonatese rib (70 and 80), very efficient and "productive" time. Beware analysts of reality as the Venetian, Maurizio Dianese, even claim that the first real contact of the Camorra in the Veneto region, took place at San donates. Real estate development in these areas and the tourist boom of the coast, with the vortex of liquidity that economies such trigger, but also were attractive elements of the propulsive economy criminale.Fiumi bandit and money have come here to be recycled and "clean" in tourist businesses, construction and subsequent devastation of the territory. A shoreline that sees attendance of summer for more than half a million people, generates a kind of Disneyland, not only of local and repository of a thousand different formulas of accommodation and rents, but also and above all drugs. The money must flow to generate more clean and must form part of legal channels, producing fake companies or economic power and the immediate profit from short-sighted '. In San Dona' businesses are born, they last a few months and then die . The historical shops stand up but otherwise, the center's activities and a continuous whirlwind of changing signs. Lately, the signs are switched off. That is decreasing the money to recycle? Mah.Ovviamente this is the land of banks and financial institutions (one in san gives a score): Strangely a lot of money, institutionally and legally used in places not expected to generate wear but, rather, indeed, variegare le modalità e le condizioni per la concessione del credito e il sostegno alla produzione. Date queste premesse se, ciò non avviene, evidentemente, la funzione di questa proliferazione di banche è ben altra. Una di queste è quella, di creare le condizioni ideali per l’usura che, in fondo è un esercizio parallelo e secondario del credito,funzionale a quello principale e legale. Usura e banca è un oliato ed efficiente “combinato disposto” il cui fine è controllare la circolazione di liquidità alle migliori condizioni di redditività per le banche e chi le alimenta.E’ ovvio, il livello della nostra economia e una situazione accettabile di benessere, evitano scenari napoletani, con morti sulle streets and armed men who control the territory, but the same crime with his addentellati local work here too, in ways and forms that are appropriate to these territori.Smantellare the boundaries between legal and illegal, to control an increasingly financialized and deregulation act indiscriminately on the ground: these are the polar star to guide development in which the law is a "tool" of lawlessness'. Down with the legend that the "evil" was brought here from the south that we are facing an expansion of the various mafia and camorra, on the shores of the Piave and on the Adriatic coast. It 's true, rather than the kind of wealth and the culture it created, would stand, asphyxiated, without an injection of criminal energy. LUIGI

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Community Service Commpletion Templates


It 'obvious that Italy' in complete regression, is rapidly retreating from the task of civilization 'of law and even the humanity!' How else can you explain what and that 'happened off the coast of Sicily, in the sea Mediterranean sea, the cradle of civilization' and meetings? Nearly 80 human beings who wander for three months, desperately without even one of those who have seen them or crossed, decides to assist, to lead more quickly to the port 'neighbor, who will save them from a terrible death and inimmaginabile.Pare and it' a crime assist the desperate. Provide help and 'a form of aiding and inciting lawlessness' and crime. This company '(and' true that the laws are the parliaments and their majorities on precise mandate of a government but it 's also true that a company would hesitate' would, of wanting the means to disrupt, expose and disobey .. . and does not) produce and institutional racism because it is a source of pride. The misery and despair if I can not win and, even worse, to live with it, transform them into crimes and pursue them: the simple principle that is linear in e. .. popolare.Cio MEDITERRANEAN and 'continuous violation of the rules and scientific nazionali.Motovedette and international military, international waters, desperate charge and return them to Libya. not check whether their identity ', the reasons for their journey, of' any request for asylum, medical relief or more. A military patrol boat, even if in international waters, and 'Italian territory and there, apply our law and not arbitrary or, worse yet, the practical application of bestial instincts of some political force. Can a country that considers democracy, people send in another state, notoriously disrespectful of human rights and is not party to any convention about rispoetto of these rights.? we are pure insanity, the inhumanity codified into law, contempt elevated to the rank of an element of consent politico.Stupisce the silence of Culture, inacapacita ' scieta of 'common sense of producing, as opposed to the one now prevailing. The opposition reduced to a footnote that criticizes the agency took place. What is happening today in Italy and 'a very specific cultural phenomenon which, in turn, paves the ideal legisltivi interventions and actions of central and local governments. We fought at every level, first of all looking now, to dismantle the plant, built by the odious legisltivo security package, but mainly the rehabilitation of a new idea to another and living together, mobilizing resources and spiritual cultrali, recovering the courage to expose themselves publicly, the courage to have different ideas and to call his name with the barbarism that we governa.Gli intellectuals and men of culture are recover a sense of their function: to know about to change. The company too has 'it, in all its articulation, grasp the value in some particular moments of disobedience and denuncia.Questa situation is worsening day by day, tells us that the time of delegation and' over and that, each, try to understand the contribution they can make

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Shakespeare Macbeth Today


I would spend a few lines (quiet, a few) to talk about two of my friends, dear friends, now inseparable. It is not easy to have friends, you need luck, luck, and I, fortunately, I had this luck. I know them, I think, since I was little, but hung out at the beginning, with respect but a bit 'of distrust also get to know a bit' better. And then, a little 'discretion never hurt, it is not true?. Over time things have changed and our occasional acquaintances have become familiar, consistent, confidential and very sweet. Of course we also had momentacci of us, where we wanted to quit and not see each other anymore, but one thing is almost always temporary, only needed a little 'patience with us and returned to the serene.
Now our friendship and a sort of dependence, at least for me. I realize that this can be dangerous, but, you know, one before giving up a friend or even two, we think! For instance, each
When things do not go or do not understand or even worse when I feel pain in my soul (I have a soul ... because being a communist is not a good reason not to have it) should I talk to them, I absolutely need their point of view. Over time I realized that I do not really helping and not helping me to understand the truth, but rather to bear it better, I took away the dead weight and often gave me the light I needed to distance myself a little 'problems and see them like this, smaller and more distant and, above all placed in a broader context. Stand the reality 'is a little secret for a better life, far more than understand it. But you have to make the meetings right. Having the appropriate friendships. We are the worst directors of ourselves, we need those who loves us and wants to know
In a lifetime (mine) is not full of happy events, it had this good fortune: to have two wonderful friends, wonderful though sometimes pain in the ass, of those that when you are overjoyed and want to fly, must always be a bit 'hold but, fortunately, when you're in shit up to their necks, they can also tell you "you got that right does the wave."
Oh I forgot to tell you their names also to make them the right gift and make them known to other friends face book: called Irony and Melancholy. LUIGI

Monday, June 29, 2009

Can You Masterbate If You Have Chicken Pox


The more ' largest democracy in the world and 'try an exercise in democratic par excellence, namely the vote.
Hundreds of millions of Indians in three subsequent rounds went to the polls after having participated in civil passion and dedication to a long and lively campaign.
election campaign in which and 'talked about trifles, such as the relationship between Hindus' and Muslims, the distribution of wealth in the country has growth rates of 10 percentage points a year for nearly a decade, relations with Pakistan, the international position.
We're talking about a giant for more than a billion inhabitants, along with China, is the axis of the world economy. A country that is experiencing not only but an economic boom and that 'even at the height in areas of advanced technology, in short, a long time, we are well beyond the typical developing economy that depends only on the compression of the cost of labor and the exploitation of raw materials. India and 'also at the center of a remarkable vitality' and creativity 'cultural: most of audiovisual products in the world are moving to that country. From Africa to 'Asia will consume the movie musicals and Indian music. Indian intellectual and political life to the debate on globalization and social effects of neoliberalism. The left, from us and 'moribund and lifeless, they, however, is expressed in a variety' of items, from the more 'orthodox to the most' libertarian and innovative. This subcontinent and 'also a melting pot of nationalism that lap racism: Hindu nationalism and Islamic fundamentalism. E 'in a phase in which the overcoming of poverty and much slower than the speed' of economic development, and this is intertwined with a heavy agrarian question and a social stratification into castes that will have to 'be overcome by a democratic process but that in this phase coexists with a company 'in perennial and, anyway, virtuous transformation. India and 'immersed in contradictions sometimes dramatic, in vintage giant steps, but it lives with the power of ideas, the knowledge that you have in hand their own destiny and, above all, with the enthusiasm of one who knows that his present and 'building the future and not the mere flotation or retention of some income ..
It 's not a hagiographic description of India, but rather the image of a giant agile in movement. And every act of this movement, 'not only important for the fate of that country but the whole globe and not only from the economic point of view but also socially and culturally.
however, hear or read articles about what is going on over there and 'almost' impossible. With few exceptions (see Federico Rampini) and our provincialism ' the yardstick by which we evaluate things and ignore the world.
The "cover" media of the election, because of its size and features and 'unique in the world, and' was, to say the least, minimal, with bits of folklore and continued failure to consider more 'custom than of substance: not to mention the complete absence of any connection between this event and global developments. There
'touched to read once again the taste of gossip items about the "Dynasty" Gandhi and even nth calls Italianness' or, worse still, 'Piedmont' of Mrs. Sonia Gandhi. But what
and 'success in India? E 'success has largely won the elections, the Congress Party, an organization founded by Mahatma Gandhi, the father of modern India and independent from Nehru, one of the most' prestigious leader of the third world, who along with Tito, Fidel Castro and other progressive third-world leaders from the 50 and 60, gave birth to the Non-Aligned Movement. A party that since he 'built to date, and' always been firmly in the secular camp and progressive: he ruled in the previous term (apart from last year) to the front of the Left, including both strong Indian communist parties, among other things, for decades govern two states (Kerala and Bengal) of the federation India.
opponent of the Congress Party and 'training traits strongly Hindu nationalist, anti-Muslim with very strong xenophobic traits (in India there are hundreds of millions of Muslims), iperliberista in economics and authoritarian vision of the state. In practice, a classic right-wing populist formation.
a comparison of this kind, with these subjects and these subjects in the field, gave a result not at all obvious, very different from what time, for example, is happening in many parts of Europe. It 'important or not that this polarization between opposing options, in a country of over a billion people, will develop in a certain way and give the results of this kind? Food should not interest, curiosity 'and perche'no also intent emulators? A place on the political, cultural entitled to it or not?
A little too much, perhaps, for our provincial self-importance, of much more 'weight and relevance to what happens in the tiny Carinthia, the province of small and marginal Austria. Treatment
much worse, even (let us say) with veins unconsciously (we hope) has been the racist South Africa. Make sure to read the news of recent elections, all focusing on the wives and the habits of those who then won the election. Analysis of zero, considerations much less, any more interrelated with international affairs' wide, never mind.
what is happening in Asia and Africa, like it or not, constitutes a basic element of a new world order. The energy game, rather than financial, social and even cultural aspects are the key to their occurrence, not in the old continent but elsewhere.
Where? How? How? With such language "with which cultures? Arduous and ... 'the answer, for those who are' still in the blather sarkosate, Berlusconi, Merkel etc etc. ...!
Fino Luigi

Monday, January 12, 2009

Perforamce All Season Vs Touring All Season

There was once a case PALESTINE

As expected
Israel bombs, kills, makes a display of efficiency and ruthlessness, as expected
Palestinian organizations, which may put some more of this battered territory missiletti Rain, suicide bombers, attacks: as expected
Who defends Israel (many) it does so with the same arguments and with the same language for decades
Who defends the Palestinians (many) refer to the usual paraphernalia lexical-imperialist, anti here and anti of the: as expected. A theater
stale and useless.
a macabre game of the parts I can say that I feel a great pity and anger for the endless suffering of civilians, as well as I tried them and they feel for the massacred and exterminated Liberia, Sierra Leone, Congo. This article
'an attempt to reason about the facts Israeli Palestinians, beyond the pre-established positions, as well as the ideological blinders.

Control Hamas in Gaza is widespread, supported by substantial funding from the monopoly of violence and a subsistence economy powered and secured in some way on international aid.
Poverty is fertile breeding ground for the recruitment of despair in the ranks of those who bring death to others through his own death, for the reset of all forms of participation, for a state of perpetual blackmail and especially for the deprivation of any subjectivity that is manifested in the regression, scientifically constructed, in a state of helpless tools to lose, thrown against the enemy. It is convenient to many
this situation: the varied and disrupted by the Arab Islamic world that the "question Palestinian "has gained a wide scope, modular and can be used both for internal needs and for regular international balances and also for the Palestinian elite (economic, political and religious) which for decades has run the Palestinian affair: end of rivers of money that a fat bureaucracy, often corrupt and almost always inefficient, but, above all, and this is the unforgivable sin, which has become docile instrument of Palestinian demands that are unrelated to each other. On the subject of liberation of a people subject to a mercenary in the service of foreign despots and paying: this was the parable of the movement of Palestinian struggle
endemic corruption, widespread distribution of benefices peddled for welfare services, have produced a sort of economics which reiterates the misery of war and the dependence of the mass at the same time, the ease of a minority that controls the flow and distribution of goods, bypassing any notion of state and administered with ironclad logic clan, military and private law.
At least since the late 70's, the construction of secular and democratic idea of \u200b\u200bnational community has been sacrificed on the altar or un'indistinta, disturbing and chaotic Islamic cause, or some unholy ambition for power, once the Iraqis, another of the Iranians not to mention Syrians, Saudis and companionship singer.
Decades of struggle have not resulted in any capacity effective military, expendable in the area, since it involves the effort to build an organization that makes use of violence one of its methods, not its raison d'etre, which is instead the construction, in fact, 's idea of \u200b\u200ba national community, a project of society
The shortcut of terrorism around these efforts, the pure violence rises to the level of free elements and replaces the search for consensus and recruitment conscious, with fanaticism, individualism and centrality of death, his own and that which obtains for others.
Decades of struggle have produced even mediation skills, as a result of depleted own subjectivity, not positions, even intermediate, or agree to be conquered. We arrived at the paradox that the last military action in Tel Aviv is essentially a clear warning to the regime of the ayatollahs who run Iran's moves and a move Hamas electoral flavor that lets you roll back the positions of the right of Netanyahu: Palestine for it is now, not a source of concern for Israel (which has long been declassified the Palestinian cause, a police operation) is not due to military action of this size. Only the role the Palestinians play contractors Olmert is the subject of attention, even that is far excluded from a share level with Egypt's Mubarak, in order to ease the pressure on its own borders and Palestinian fundamentalist decoupling Hamas Muslim Brothers.
would not be the first time that the Arab regimes, endorse or implement directly massacres of Palestinians to settle internal accounts.
The reconstruction of the Palestinian national community can not possibly go through these players now worn out, corrupt, and objectively ademocratici mercenaries.
Israel, however, in its way is bursting with health and other blows.
has a strong advantageous position resulting from the support, almost ', unconditional U.S.. Israel has managed
skilfully to ensure that it removed any form of criticism in the relationship between world Jewry and the Government of Te Aviv, whatever his political stance.
In the U.S., more than anywhere else in the world, this symbiosis between the powerful and influential Jewish community and the state of Israel has not given a simple alignment with the policy of that country but even the Israeli capture of the political agenda as own course of action in the Middle East.
But today in this country that it is reduced so uncritically and enjoys the support of almost all Jewish communities, and almost all democratic and progressive array?
Let's just say that is a distant and unrecognizable relative of the Zionist dream was born. Almost all of its ruling class is from military or police. The army, strangely coercive institution, is the only place that incorporates the social and racial components of an artificial society, built not through the integration process but adding groups and individuals as a mad competition in military populations.
Israel and its army. The country founded by Ben Gurion is the first example of "military democracy". An economic and financial system functioning
Israel has been forged in the struggle but, rather, in the war found the information to develop their economy, with peaks of excellence in areas of high research and technology, to hold any social conflict and to remove any latent racial tension at the root. The condition of living for decades is, paradoxically, the axle, the balance on which stands the State, that his condition is under
War is a virtue, it is plausible that these elites, put high on their priority it coming from the state of war? Peace and a reorganization of the forces or a strategic focus to pursue? There may be an inner awareness, a capacity for self-reform by both the Israeli and Palestinian?
obvious answer to questions retoriche.Sarà ever possible unilateral disarmament and a revival of a process of internal democratization, while respecting the specific nature and context of a national protection and international interest? Any of the parties to initiate this dynamic would objectively overcome, at every level, all existing conditions and justifications of war. Otherwise we would have the compulsion to repeat, to the investment on terror, as opposed to the demagogic rhymes, elevated to the rank of historical reasons. Otherwise, of course, we will be tomorrow, where we are today.