We are the usual: every quarter or so, is the rite of "discovering hot water". The hot water (one of many hot springs) are talking about the news of the massive presence of wear and invasive in the economy of eastern Veneto region: of that vast area that goes from coast to Sandonatese Iesolano.Il rooting some related crime in glove to the economic development of this area is a fact and it is now ascertained truth storica.La presence in the Camorra Sandonatese far back as the time of the manor and his band Sandonatese rib (70 and 80), very efficient and "productive" time. Beware analysts of reality as the Venetian, Maurizio Dianese, even claim that the first real contact of the Camorra in the Veneto region, took place at San donates. Real estate development in these areas and the tourist boom of the coast, with the vortex of liquidity that economies such trigger, but also were attractive elements of the propulsive economy criminale.Fiumi bandit and money have come here to be recycled and "clean" in tourist businesses, construction and subsequent devastation of the territory. A shoreline that sees attendance of summer for more than half a million people, generates a kind of Disneyland, not only of local and repository of a thousand different formulas of accommodation and rents, but also and above all drugs. The money must flow to generate more clean and must form part of legal channels, producing fake companies or economic power and the immediate profit from short-sighted '. In San Dona' businesses are born, they last a few months and then die . The historical shops stand up but otherwise, the center's activities and a continuous whirlwind of changing signs. Lately, the signs are switched off. That is decreasing the money to recycle? Mah.Ovviamente this is the land of banks and financial institutions (one in san gives a score): Strangely a lot of money, institutionally and legally used in places not expected to generate wear but, rather, indeed, variegare le modalità e le condizioni per la concessione del credito e il sostegno alla produzione. Date queste premesse se, ciò non avviene, evidentemente, la funzione di questa proliferazione di banche è ben altra. Una di queste è quella, di creare le condizioni ideali per l’usura che, in fondo è un esercizio parallelo e secondario del credito,funzionale a quello principale e legale. Usura e banca è un oliato ed efficiente “combinato disposto” il cui fine è controllare la circolazione di liquidità alle migliori condizioni di redditività per le banche e chi le alimenta.E’ ovvio, il livello della nostra economia e una situazione accettabile di benessere, evitano scenari napoletani, con morti sulle streets and armed men who control the territory, but the same crime with his addentellati local work here too, in ways and forms that are appropriate to these territori.Smantellare the boundaries between legal and illegal, to control an increasingly financialized and deregulation act indiscriminately on the ground: these are the polar star to guide development in which the law is a "tool" of lawlessness'. Down with the legend that the "evil" was brought here from the south that we are facing an expansion of the various mafia and camorra, on the shores of the Piave and on the Adriatic coast. It 's true, rather than the kind of wealth and the culture it created, would stand, asphyxiated, without an injection of criminal energy. LUIGI
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