Monday, October 11, 2010

Kilaris Pilaris Face Lotion

FANTA-SENAVRA: Regulation and Registration

Since the previous year as the author of this blog has a lot of free time and a lot of brilliant ideas, here is the Jack-SENAVRA!

I hope that the smarter you abbiano già intuito di cosa si possa trattare, ma andiamo con ordine.
Ogni settimana i concorrenti al nostro FANTA-SENAVRA potranno scegliere 4 giocatori dalla rosa della squadra (elenco completo qui a destra) che a conclusione del match di quella settimana otterranno un punteggio numerico in base a diversi fattori (prestazione, impegno, giocate straordinarie, valutazioni extra in base alla simpatia, punti assegnati a caso ecc...).

Ogni settimana si sommeranno i punti totali dei partecipanti al FANTA-SENAVRA, alla fine del Torneo Invernale 2010/11 chi avrà totalizzato il maggior numero di punti verrà proclamato vincitore e riceverà un fantastico premio (ancora da definirsi, ma sarà eccezionale).
Inoltre will be awarded two special prizes to the winners of the qualifying round of the return.

- Each participant can choose four players each week rose from the team. They will be required to 2 boys and 2 girls.
- Every week, you can choose more than one of the players chosen in the previous week.
- Each player can not be chosen but never for more than two times in a row.
- The maximum limit for the selection of players is the beginning of the weekly game.
- Scores are undeniable and absolute. The yardstick will be varied and fluctuating.
- The absence or non-call of players matches will be announced in advance. In that case the gocatori away or called may not be chosen.
- In case of absence at the last moment will receive a 5 to political player.
- It 's mandatory mock the other competitors when you get a good score.

Obviously the creator of this blog will not participate in the competition, as the evaluation and award of the vote. Are still welcome various bribes and corruption.


REGISTRATION To register for the FANTA-SENAVRA there are two ways:
- Write a blog comment in this thread stating the intention to participate.
- Register with the Facebook page link on the left, in the discussion "Recognition and classification"

You can subscribe to FANTA-SENAVRA even after the first day. In this house you will enter the game with 1 point less than the lowest ranked player.

RULES 'of players' choices

to choose their players every week there are two ways:
- Writing a comment in the blog page special that will be created weekly for each parity.
- On a special Facebook page that is updated every week

hope that participation is massive you remember the first game will take place This Sunday, October 17, 2010, at 19:30 at the gym in Corso XXII Marzo. The iscrizone to FANTA-SENAVRA is already open for the players' choice short list of players called.

you soon!


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