Saturday, December 11, 2010

Biotene Swallowed Side Effects

Caffe Latte.

Ladies and Gentlemen, good morning.
I have to say that today, although there is the sun and I feel the absence of the beloved rain and gray skies, it's a beautiful day. Beautiful, perhaps, is the term less appropriate. And 'one of those words we use without reason, do not realize what beauty really is, what it involves and how important and can have.
But that is what I intend to speak.
Anyway, let's say a day is "ok", will surely evolve into a very bad way and the nerves m'esploderanno, I can feel it, but for now I want to enjoy this moment of peace.
I, my coffee, my croissant integral music, no sense of guilt, pain in the ass is not there a little voice telling me that I woke up too late (coming soon, but I intend to silence her by tapping on the time).
moment when you do not care about anything.
Perhaps this is happiness, sitting at a desk to write to the PC without nesusn sense of emptiness, anxiety or loss whatsoever. Enjoy a latte. Maybe yes, maybe this is happiness.
Small moments. What
scontatezza, "Happiness lies not in grand gestures, but in small things" .

(Sometimes) things for granted are the best.


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