crumbles around, hopelessly, in a moment. Just a day to lose too much.
No matter how much you will be committed to make things work, to always give Massino, to keep it all inside for others. To strive, to others. A non- live or live too.
not need at times. I stress my having said "sometimes."
Just a nod, a word, a person, a fact, an accident and all your efforts go fuck yourself.
And you thought that good, what (let's face it) ought to have in many even be thankful in some way, well, this too will change. This, too, in the long run, you lose it.
Finally he returns always there to useless dialogue. Not the real dialogue or dialogue as such, but what people believed to be "dialogue."
words, it is not a cliché, should be dosed-contate.sgocciolate. They are like a recipe for high quality confectionery, accurate and difficult to execute, but if you know how to do then everything will be perfect .. but who knows how to do?! I do not know if I'm capable of, but I can say "I'll try" and that's why "dialogue" shortly. I
It 'difficult to see how some people be so in the sense that only some people like that. Not for others, for other people is different. The reports, change, change over time, but in a certain way does not "end" at that moment. Nobody really goes away.
For others it is not, astral conjunctions? Destiny? Bad luck? It matters little, put the effichetta you want. The fact is that circumstance in which, only for certain people (or if you want "Capion study, so we are all guinea pigs of something) a strange thing happens, everyone will sooner or later, one way or another, they end up abandoning. And these all, on time, they do so fastened her to these "champions of study" of the faults that do not belong, weights divrebbero not endure, but which alas I am forced to take on. Right? No. Certainly not.
Why life must do so disgusting to some people?
Why some people can never enjoy a fuck, because some people have always (and I say, I repeat and I repeat always) fight more than others? Fighting more than the others and then ... ? Eh? And then, what? Basically, yes. Ok, if you fight you will be stronger and bla bla bla
But what do I need to be strong if you can never enjoy a joy easy, obvious, clean?
Why life must do so disgusting? Reports
lost, cold, frozen, expired friendships, bad sex and love do not exist. Disrupted families, families united against disease, struggles. Difficulties, adversity.
fuck do you know, I am that man is 573920182 years ago these questions.
know what is the most irritating thing of all? (Yes, I think it already told, retold and narrow street and I think, very proabilmente, I'll keep telling myself). The worst thing is that people who live these lives "difficult", do not complain. I saw them, that I have loved you. These people never complain, even if they swallow shit. No, they are moving forward with bowed head, struggling and we do it (in a certain way), though not understood.
Who all still complain. Most of the time he does it with these warriors. The warrior, I know, will comfort those who have everything, in spite of cries of hate.
"Despite" is a word that, ultimately, used often in my speeches. My conversations with myself.
Losses time are finite, despite everything.
Sorry, a mixture of anger and sadness. Yes, it came out just a mixture of anger to sadness.
incompresissimo A safe place, as always. Like everything I'm trying to say. "I try."
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