Aurelia, no path to superimposed on a highway. It works on the realization of a "Park Road" as a European best practice
"The Aurelia is made safe, made accessible and used as a" Park Road "where sustainability and environmental protection will combine with the development of tourism in the territory of the Silver Coast and become a best practice and as virtuous as already happens in other parts of Europe - Camargue. Paul Armstrong, director of the Consortium operates Maremma on the implementation of the motorway in the Silver Coast.
"The project of a highway that overlaps entirely dell'Aurelia the path is not sustainable. - Adds arms - and the province has done well to ask for clarity on Sat present the final draft as soon as possible. Our most valuable is the environment. Without prejudice to this principle, the Consortium Maremma reiterates that in case of passing through the territory of Côte d'Argento, the least violent possible and, especially, is such as to preserve the heritage and aesthetic environment that we are recognized as unique. "As
in the Camargue area, there is a "Park Road", which allows tourists, but also to the people whose quality of life must always be taken into account to continue to enjoy the area with bike paths, lanes and public transportation for vehicular traffic. A solution that has brought so much in terms of compliance with environmental sustainable tourism and raising the economic standards.
"We hope that people will interact with relevant bodies should note that the overwhelming impact our sites may have an impact over time and heavier antiproduttive.Una project that starts from that agreed upon by all entities and approved by CIPE in 2008 that the average needs to "move" with the needs and the needs of tourism that has to qualify even more thanks to its ecosystem, is the only way that we see at last possible to maintain economic activity and tourism and also to enhance and improve the resources and existing industry. "
Capalbio, February 19, 2011
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