90 percent the world's opium comes from Afghanistan, this year a kg of opium is sold by farmers to "traffickers" for over a hundred dollars, the heroine is prepared by synthetic , treating the morphine extracted from opium, and then, then it does not take much to draw the logical consequences.
The logical consequences are that the Afghan economy, the end of Soviet occupation to the present, is, in fact, supported by opium cultivation and trafficking, an activity which by itself produces more than 50 percent of national income, no need of civilian infrastructure, on technology investments, but simply of the ancient culture of the Afghan farmers.
eradicate the poppy cultivation would then secure the food for the journey to national bankruptcy and the further impoverishment of the population. Under these conditions it is evil all crop eradication program, and then, who would have the strength and authority for such an act? The Afghan government does not exist or the occupation forces? The contiguity between political and criminal power has not only established, but even constitutes the backbone that holds up what is now Afghanistan. This narco is a feudal state, controlled by the War Lords and friends of the West by the Taliban, who are in need of the absence of any form of credible institutions and civil society, because only then, can manage, pressoche'indisturbati 's billionaire businessman of drug trafficking.
The legitimate need for the survival of farmers' woes enrichment of the warlords and international mafias, the mad frenzy of racist and fundamentalist Taliban are mixed and create horribly all'infernale Afghan quagmire.
quagmire we are in that we, with our troops and, objectively, for the simple fact of being there, we gave our contribution to this devastating situation.
go away is right, but only solve our problem.
The Afghan issue, however, is much more, is a focal point and also emblematic of almost all the disasters that criticita'ei globalized neoliberalism, under the banner of the United States, is developing everywhere.
Examples? Here they are!
The overlap between legal and criminal economy, the elimination of the very idea of \u200b\u200bscientific societies, the emptying of the powers of all international organizations, the de facto exclusion of politics, replaced by the militarization of every type of social relationship, the 'U.S. unilateralism, the use of instrumental to the clash of civilizations as a potential trigger of any desired and caused crisis, the desire to restore a kind of feudal system (division of territory between "masters", local), as a form of optimal management and control of "rogue states" ( Afghanistan, Somalia, Iraq ... ...)
once again on the political involvement of the international community: this is the challenge.
Designing courses provided and shared, starting from the real issues and proposing options civilians, military and social consequences.
E 'patient work, maybe not spectacular, nor in the immediate production of consensus. These
considerations lead me to look with favor the proposal made by PRC and others, as part of the radical left and the Rose in the Fist, to buy the opium crop in Afghanistan and use it to increase the production of morphine for therapeutic use.
is not madness, but rather the most realistic and effective solutions.
deprive the peasants from the yoke of criminals, warlords and the Taliban itself, call into question the socio-economic structure that governs the country. The internal equilibrium resulting from military occupation, would be mined at the base.
policy would again exercise its role. The problem would be
the cost of implementation and commitment of the highest possible number of Western countries in its financing: financing that would, in fact, a political alternative to the military and potentially fraught with more options and other civilians.
It is estimated that Afghan farmers earn about $ 700 million each year from the opium trade, the figure, however, rises if we add the smugglers, corrupt officials, in short all the armature. These would, first of all to set a price that does not encourage farmers to turn to smugglers and at the same time ensure the purchase of their harvest to redistribute the income generated from the population, albeit miserably, still survive on the benefits of trade of opium. Otherwise the risk is to be completely sucked into the war debate, to accept the agenda set by others. Be crushed by the dilemma of the exit strategy would be a minimalist and provincial results that would move an inch forward, the solution of the Afghan quagmire. If progressive governments, movements, international organizations will not have the ability and intelligence to offer more practical solutions, will have to adapt again to discuss the decisions already taken by the usual suspects.
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