There is much talk about immigration, crime and safety: The three issues are obviously related, in the Vulgate media.
When I think of the aliens, to those who look in my city, I like the feeling of living in another country and not in this devastated, according to all the media, non-invasion criminal aliens.
Here in San dona'sono approximately three thousand, a population of almost 40 000 people: many? Few? I can not tell. I just know that when I think of them in my mind that perhaps three groups, but I'm not sure are the three most numerous: Bangladesh, Senegal and Ukraine.
Personally I am glad that there is: are hardworking, fair, and I have the distinct impression that if I'm here is because they are indispensable our economies and our families. I see them on the street and at that moment, I understand what it means in practice, cultural diversity, I can even give meaning to the word culture.
The first thing I notice, and 'that they (especially Senegal and Bangladesh) walk, we, instead, "let's go" from one place to another. From their movements it is obvious that the clock for them is just one way to measure time; behavior, the distinction between men and women is clear, for women, at times, and subjection, but is also often a distinction. I do not know that they are engaged in criminal activity, indeed, are often victims of some crime (wage Black, prohibition of unionisation, violation of safety rules), well accepted and justified by our model of development. The Ukrainian, shy and always in groups, I am surprised by their mean age, quite tall. I saw women of 60 years, arrived in Italy recently and I wonder how it is possible to emigrate 60 years. The Senegalese and Bangladeshi are young and I feel, I know someone who is not here to hang out but who have very specific plans for themselves and their families who have the intention to reunite to itself, at least the inner circle their families, therefore, conclude that, certainly have the belief that this will be the future of their country, their attempt to emancipate themselves from poverty and exclusion.
I do not even seem like "commands Sior Paron", and would have a tendency to unionization, however, show great attention to their rights.
So I do not seem to parasites or criminals or accustomed to attivita'fastidiose and harassment.
I admit it: I have a predisposition "gene" in not seeing the enemy in foreign usurper, so I could also be affected by this, in my evaluations. What
see the papers there, I do not doubt it, but there is also much that they obviously do not see or perhaps do not consider it news.
Wire immigration lawlessness and crime has become almost an axiom, a real common sense.
E 'perceptions of mass and almost, it would be absurd to ridicule, or regard it with disdain as a unique media effect.
The widespread perception of a sensation is a "reality" to respect and to be reckoned with.
Each assessment and concrete proposal should be able to intervene immediately and incisively on this fact, however, can not be considered truthful or excessive.
some evaluation.
Official figures say that the particularly brutal killings and acts have not risen indeed, would be slightly lower than in the past. Murders in Italy, have, however, a particular characteristic: their prevalence in a matrix-family home.
It 's a worrying fact: you kill with family, relatives or friends.
Some of these murders are characterized by fierce brutality and geographically, are located mainly in the north: the organized crime in the south but is the leading cause of violent deaths.
There 's a widespread increase in crime or microcriminalita'anche if not the size that you would expect from the media prominence. There 's an increase in burglaries of homes and drug dealing and, in this kind of crimes, there is undoubtedly a percentage considerable amount of foreign non-regular, so-called illegal immigrants: the share of foreign regular and sentenced to prison, however, is similar to that of the Italians.
a given object is, therefore, 'that a regular immigrant is not usually very dangerous, not more than an average Italian: regular foreigners in Italy are little more than three million, and nearly all are settled in hiding (in the over a decade). The political fact is highly significant: the regularization of immigrant acceptance by a system of rules, which provides rights and imposes duties รจ.di per se, an antidote to crime. A person who works, who is seeking reunification of the rest of his family, who send their children to school, going on a mortgage to buy a house, has a life plan, not a criminal purpose. The link-hiding
crime 'must be tackled without demagogy, psychological terror, exploitation and xenophobic instincts: affrontatato politically far-sighted.
It 'obvious that if it is a human condition and equipment (underground), a crime, inevitably those who are in total this absence of rules, beyond the possibility of returning to a legal framework, will be at the mercy of 'predatory and aggressive attitudes towards the environment. Those who
propose drastic solutions and end-users, such as forced mass expulsion, beat them all in jail, shot him as they approach the coast, they know to expect things technically impossible and legally unacceptable in a state of law are demagoguery, ride the tiger capitalize politically all the stomach-ache and the anger that led to art. I dare say that all have an interest to remain so, always about to explode. The fear induced by a living to many. The'industria security is flourishing more than ever, security doors, cameras, security systems, private security, etc. etc.. How many
political careers were built on the issue of security, illegal, non-EU citizens?
These considerations, however, is not meant to circumvent the issue, much less to draw attention to other aspects, the main subject. The report
clandestine micro-'/ crime there is in numbers, in the facts.
would be a bit 'absurd to deny it.
The way I see it, are two sides to be influenced
One is political and the other is the judicial
Regarding the first point, you should take steps to ensure the existence of a number of conditions "virtuous" to always allow the adjustment for those from Italy "sans papiers", thereby overcoming the logic of amnesties and emergencies, facilitate family reunification, even as a form of amnesty for those who have demonstrated their relatives in our area, go from the jus sanguinis jus soli, as regards the system of transmission of citizenship at birth (Italy is one of the last Western countries that link the attribution of nationality at birth, the simple and pure genealogical affiliation, as elsewhere in France and the USA, acquires the citizenship of the place where born)
These measures, together with others, would make the large population of irregular migrants, not a multitude of misfits without part of its art, who lives in expectation of a messianic act magnanimous and healing, but rather a group of people that have incentives and incentives to have a socially acceptable conduct as rewarding.
In terms of judicial investigation and, in my opinion, there is an incredible delay, knowledge of criminality to non-indigenous working in Italy.
You can go back to the years of mala del Brenta to find the first incursions of organized gangs from the Balkans: the same band Manor allied himself with the crime of Matrix Balkans, both for supplies of arms and to launder money.
The civil war in former Yugoslavia, poured on the market of the crime a huge quantity of weapons of every type and even "professionals" ready to capitalize on the experiences and skills acquired in the war. The Balkan wars have produced not only the disintegration of peoples and territories, humanitarian devastation, but also economic collapse, organized mafias that have been able to profit from the wide open spaces that allow an economy of war and devastating implosion of the system.
They filled the arsenals of our crime, have enslaved and deported on the streets of our cities, thousands and thousands of young women, continue to feed the market for prostitution, have managed and controlled migration flows from those countries to the West.
Mafias Kosovar, Albanian, Croatian, Turkish, have in fact acted as a true immigration office.
E 'unthinkable and naive to believe that these acts of common crime, are impromptu gestures, perhaps the result of a propensity for barbarism of some ethnic groups. These offenders who act in an organized manner, are articulations of wider bands, clearly array mafia that recruit mainly upstream, ie countries of origin.
Despite this, even today, the business 'investigation is fragmented, episodic: there is' a huge waste of investigative resources and energy, simply to capture the last link in the chain, the one who pulled the trigger.
Why do not yet recognize the organized nature of these crimes? Why is there 'any form of coordination between prosecutors who investigate these heinous acts? Should we not have even a sort of proxy that takes care of the various mafias operating in Italy and abroad of their links here?
activity investigation coordinated, effective, discreet, with appropriate regulatory and financial resources, international contacts, would still certainly within a reasonable time to have a clear picture of the situation, a capacity for action targeted and effective, may resize the criminal phenomenon linked to the presence of illegal immigrants, in physiological terms. The use
spectacular police or the use of individual measures, such as sterile striking, only has a propaganda value. The effect of these popular and populist measures in the coupon that is only periodically off those who have invested in the title, "security-immigration-crime '."
E 'exemplary in this regard, the issue of Romania.
Many of the unpleasant facts of that period involving Romanian nationals, among other things no longer be considered non-EU. In recent years, the community Romania has become the most numerous among those in Italy. It is absolutely not the natural order of things that the increase of the presence of a community is, almost arithmetic projection, the surge of theft and violations of the law of any kind, related to their subject of that particular group. It 'obvious that there is' something important to understand, something that obviously escapes again, and perhaps not even worthy of proper attention.
Realism and rule of law are and remain the benchmarks
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