September 11 has passed, with all his pompous rhetoric about fighting terrorism.
What can I say? How 'state of terror or destruction of the developers of these allegations?
In Afghanistan and Iraq is not doing well. In Iran and North Korea is pushing through one day discussing how to deal with them and another on how to shave the ground, when in doubt, in the meantime, let's keep it on the blacklist, including rogue states. It 's a list to update and then send the U.S., I presume, by fax to the various foreign ministries of the globe, to adjust their foreign policy.
Well, the news is that this list could be extended by one at any moment
The new entries should be Eritrea, you have got it right!
The news is official, the State Department announcement
The old John Wayne is not one that speaks to take the air of the tonsils, anything but!
They are, dealing with Africa and in the case of what happens in the Horn of Africa: it is true, but the surface is rough and know the map well and know very well that war is the shortest distance that there is between their interest and the closest to their bases. Simple, right!! The egg
colombo Americanism in the end it's all here: the horizon line.
To them it is a stretch away, a compass, a reference, rather it is a line between them attraversa.Sono empirical, pragmatic: "I see a thing, so I'm already seeing," "I have a goal? Will be the last stage of what I'm doing "But why
on their agenda, their horizon came the tiny Eritrea (4 million inhabitants and less than 120,000 km square)?
In fact their interest is in the vast area of \u200b\u200bEast Africa that we could expand in this case to the Sudan.
Eritrea is independent of 93 and, despite several attempts to put bases along its coasts, or to recover old military positions that the U.S. already had here at the time commanded the Negus, it was no agreement on the matter. Inaccessible
still remained the longest and most attractive coast of Somalia, formidable wedge inserted between the ocean and the Red Sea
Sudan, novel oil power, is a sort of detached province of China, where the scent of fundamentalism
This leaves only Ethiopia has always provided one of the most talented African armies, a large country with more than 70 million people.
the benevolent attention of the U.S. obviously have turned to Ethiopia and, indirectly, those of the large private investors, especially international organizations, those tied to the name in Washington Consensus, ie IMF, World Bank.
Ethiopia is also the country "Christian excellence" in the area, both for history and for the numerical strength of the Coptic Christians, although there are a Muslim presence of at least 40 percent.
East Africa, just look at the map, is a sort of natural bridge to the Arab world, the Middle East and India itself.
This is a feature of cultural and ethnic diversity, before being a geographic data, for example, the Somali language, contains many terms that refer to items in India. There 's a given geopolitical that binds these lands to the hotspots of the present and future
All matters which are the explosions of detonators of the twenty-first century, are there 'there, for the consumption of those who want action. The energy issue
(Sudan and Somalia in perspective), political Islam, the clash with China.
North Americans already have their policeman in the area: Ethiopia
This is the frame: there in 'the picture, the facts, there are the Africans in the flesh. There are
the convulsion and the torment of 4 or 5 countries.
Of these issues, this blog will be documented in detail and, for now, I will only brief, just to give a rough idea that, possibly, circumscribes the essence of the issues at stake. Starting from the Sudan
. This huge country, the largest in Africa, recently discovered a treasure in her womb: oil.
Its GDP has shot up, the living conditions of Sudanese less. Khartoum is preparing to become a modern metropolis and business center.
China is an ally of iron, also true guardian of the Sudanese at the UN.
Sudan is the true beachhead of Chinese penetration in Africa, one of the most important strategic and political figures of recent years
Power is Muslim, the ethnic composition is articulated only instrumentally can be traced back to an unreal dualism Christians / Muslims.
south of the country is inhabited by mostly animist, ethnically similar to the peoples of central Africa and very marginally Christian.
for years have been defended not only forced dall'islamizzazione made by the central power, but above all by the total exclusion from power and the direct management of resources. In part, in 2005, this issue is resolved, for large regions of the South, following negotiations with the guerrillas, now the present government, even the Eastern Front in Sudan has been sedated, due to the Eritrean mediation. There remains the serious situation in Darfur, a region that claims autonomy from Khartoum. Messages (concerned) that come to us are: a clash of religion, Christians, Muslims, we need a "humanitarian intervention" to resolve the crisis. I would not be wrong, but I feel that this rhyme we heard many times. A formidable Trojan horse, to intervene anywhere, place and set their own rules, and then, while we're at, we do well to dislodge the Chinese. Strike one: the Islamic way, by the terrorists, by the Chinese and us well! The solution to an African problem that can not be given by the Africans with the tools and equip it as appropriate. It 'a thesis acceptable to the Bush doctrine. America is where are my interests, America is where are my enemies, America is everywhere.
The coexistence and distribution of power among different ethnic groups, in some cases, cross-countries themselves, is the primary source of all the contradictions of Africa, especially in the area. The West has a responsibility: as in Sudan, as elsewhere, has arbitrarily established in colonial and post colonial hierarchy of power between different peoples, subservient to its interests in Sudan, for example, the British have in fact given the power elites that were the expression of the north, and this situation has remained so far: it seems to me quite inappropriate to draw the British to resolve it. The
Eritrea, a young country, independent since 1993, claiming, in perfect continuity with its thirty-year liberation struggle, a gradual growth, self-sufficient, drawing on the material and cultural heritage of the peoples of Eritrea by, a unique case in Africa, ethnic diversity, a driving force and unity.
Eritrea has reset its system of international relations, on this principle. He repeatedly refused the 'help' the U.S. has discussed again on new bases, the relationship with so-called donors, have reduced the presence of NGOs, linking their activities to the economic and financial program national.
years living in a state of war, a border dispute with Ethiopia: the dispute, in fact, has already been terminated following international arbitration without appeal for Eritrea: UN, but it does not to give effect to this ruling, have been forced to deal with this tiny, mostly for his safety. The latest news about Eritrea, is its application to join the club of rogue states, the list drawn up by North Americans.
Ms. Frazier, who is responsible for African affairs under the State Department, found repeated behavior by Eritrea, which is extremely dangerous to U.S. security and the Western democracies (alas, is not a joke). What would these outrages to freedom and democracy? Basically, having hosted a conference of all the forces of the Somali opposition, including Islamic components, which, as a first step, to start rebuilding the Somali nation, demand the immediate withdrawal of Ethiopian occupation troops.
Having considered the Islamic courts as terrorists linked to al Qaeda, it implicitly colluding with terrorists believe the Eritreans
Gia ', Somalia. The spark that could set off the prairie
Muslim country, inhabited by nomadic, engaged mainly pastoralists, a common language and culture broadly divided into clans, in large groups of people. A sort of social structure
genealogy. The Somali are Sunni Islam, tolerant tradition. In Africa, Islam, mixing in animistic rituals, he created a religion that has no doctrinal weight that has elsewhere, rather than a purpose to be achieved, it was a system of rules and relationships.
Quest'Islam is considered, by its very nature, almost impervious to the siren fundamentalist
something happened in Somalia is explained by the conditions mentioned above.
The Islamic courts, which are sets of courts ruled that conflicts and disputes, as well as being well civilian component of the regulation and distribution, have become, over time, political speech and used the religious element unifying the country to combat the chalking. The
Somalia after the fall of Siad Barre, who somehow had managed to create a national feeling, has effectively ceased to exist as a state. Crumbled in gangs, into fiefdoms, controlled by the Warlords is finished at the mercy of looting and violence.
Somalia has become the center of illicit trafficking and of all kinds: from arms trafficking, the discharge of toxic and harmful to the cultivation and sale of drugs.
This situation lasted for at least fifteen years: any attempt to restore the rule of law proved to be very weak. The U.S. has deliberately
bankrolled the warlords in an anti Islamic, looking at every way to avoid the formation of a separate state.
The victory of the courts, supported by the people of Mogadishu, not because of ideological affinity but to a desire for peace and normality, has thrown into confusion the U.S. and their local police, the Ethiopian rulers.
After a few months, the country was invaded and occupied by Ethiopia, repeatedly bombed by U.S. planes.
The pretext is the usual and as usual, without the burden of proof: the presence of Al Qaeda terrorists.
Among Western governments, only Italy, expressed condemnation of the American attack.
The surgery went well even to Ethiopia, and because it has strengthened its alliance with the U.S. and for the fear that the rebirth of Somalia, riaccendesse tensions with minority Somalis in Ethiopia, namely the Ogaden. The situation now is chaotic, with an authority that rests on the support outside the military.
The Somali Diaspora, after a short period, which is thought to return again discouraged.
The political agenda of Somalia is now attributable to Mrs. Frazier, the U.S. State Department.
There are attempts to solve the crisis: there is a way in Africa, which must necessarily pass for the participants of the conference in Asmara Ethiopian-American and a way that provides for the creation of a puppet state, province of Ethiopia and platform for military action "against terrorism"
The Italian government indicates a worthwhile activity in Somali affairs, thanks to the Vice Minister Sentinelli but that Italy should be in appropriate fora, condemned the interference converted from cooperation and support: interference that has become a beacon of European Union foreign policy and U.S.
will have the strength? We doubt
In this scenario, the power, the subject is strong Ethiopia.
The subject has a strong strength and a weakness reflected real
Ethiopia is a giant, fragmented into many ethnic groups who have always lived together, accepting the domination of one of them, the Amhara Abyssinian Empire
Historically, fathers and the Coptic religion.
Now, after many vicissitudes, that there is no need to explain now, the power is finite, in practice, Tigre '
This is a minority that has its border region with Eritrea and with which has much in common, both linguistically and culturally.
has played an important role in the ancient history of Ethiopia but remains less than 5 or 6 percent of the Ethiopian population.
A minority in a few years he has occupied all areas of the state, has the opposition against using fraud and targeted arrests, controls the flow billionaires coming from financial institutions and the U.S. itself.
The force is proportional to the size of Ethiopia's U.S. interests on site: proxy invading Somalia, held in check Eritrea, is the bastion of Christianity (with almost half the Muslim population) in the Moslem area.
How long? I do not know. As long as the ethnic puzzle will hold? As long as the external support will compensate for the indifference to domestic conditions? Surely in this
comparing the two Africas: one that is the projection of structural adjustment programs, donations, constraints imposed by international financial institutions, openness to foreign capital unlimited, of the ruling classes on these policies shaped by endogenous, the pervasive presence of the charity and philanthropy, which occupies the desert created by the destruction of public budgets, and the other Africa, however, that between light and shadow, is at the center of their political agenda, national sovereignty, in this continent, often coincides with the new construction or the invention of the nation, by enshrining the principle that international relations are chosen internal policy and taxation that determine the same internal policy.
The turmoil in the Horn of Africa reflect and above all this clash
In this piece of the continent is home to over 120 million people and reduce their dramatic events, just a clash between Christians and Muslims, including terrorists and anti-terrorists, between moderates and fundamentalists, merely means to apply western categories facts and actions that have, however, their peculiarities and specificity. It 'just another tax and violent interference in African history, even worse, is the very negation of this continent is able to make history and develop its conceptual categories.
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