Monday, September 3, 2007

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Eritrea: Nationalism and nation building

Although Eritrea, in its present boundaries, was adopted by Italian colonialism, it is important to remember that the history of his people did not start with the Italian colonization. The Eritrean people had its own history and civilization, its laws and administrative systems prior to colonialism. He had his own political activities, economic, social and cultural rights.
Successive colonial rulers over the years have influenced the life of Eritrea and administrative systems, but they have not been destroyed. The settlers have left traces of their heritage while at the same time, the Eritrean tradition, although suffer changes and modifications, has retained the basic characteristics, which have been transmitted through generations. So to fully understand the current situation and the program for the future of our country, it is essential to understand the dynamics within Eritrean society, as well as the legacies of the various colonizers.
The Italian colonialism lasted fifty years. Has not completely changed the Eritrean society, its influence was not uniformly distributed. But it can not be denied his lasting impact on the history of Eritrea. The Italian colonialism, like all European colonialists, settled by force the borders of Eritrea, by subjecting all the people to manage within these boundaries, has opened a new chapter in the history of Eritrea. Using the skills
Italian, but relying mainly on human and material resources of Eritrea, Italian colonialism had built cities and ports, highways and railways, modern factories and farms. He introduced conscription. In addition, he created the conditions for which the Eritreans from all corners of the country were put in a position to move and know each other, thus creating even common experiences. The limit of the colonial can vary from one place to another (some may be not been touched), but the increase of the interaction between Eritreans, combined with their reaction with increasing Italian oppression and racism, have laid the seeds Eritrean national consciousness.
The establishment of the first modern political association Eritrea, Mahber Fikri Hager (love of his country), the conclusion of the Italian colonial era and the arrival of the British, is a clear testimony of the national consciousness. The British Military Management in Eritrea was temporary and short-lived, leaving a legacy limited. In any case, the BMA increase opportunities for study and permitted political activities and freedom of expression, according to the tactic of "divide and rule", it strove to create divisions among the people of Eritrea.
laid the foundation for the plan come true Ethiopian-American refusal of the Eritrean people's right to self-determination. The British administration also destroyed several businesses and many Eritrean economic infrastructure. During British rule, the nascent Eritrean nationalist movement could not he fight the conspiracy hatched against Eritrea or preserve the disunity. That is something that has been awarded the Ethiopian colonial rule whose cruelty had no equal in the history of Eritrea. At
Ethiopian colonialism in Eritrea was neither direct n'evidente. This is because the internal conditions and external as well as in Eritrea were not directly attributable to the domination of Ethiopia. And 'under the pretext of the resolution, sponsored by the United States, United Nations Association in 1952 that began the domination of Ethiopia. The period of the Federation (1952-1962) witnessed the erosion of the independence inside Eritrea, the Ethiopian domination of aggressive expansion and development of the Eritrean resistance.
One of the most significant achievements of this period was the increase seen in our national struggle, which had begun in the forties: the emergence of movements of workers and students and in particular the establishment and expansion of the Movement Liberation of Eritrea (Mahber show). Ethiopia colonial era, according to all the points view, the rearmost of Eritrea. Consequently there was nothing they could build or improve Ethiopia to Eritrea, he has only destroyed. With crude repressive measures has systematically undermined the political, economic, social and cultural development of Eritreans.
He then uprooted the budding political democracy in Eritrea and has led to a period of cruel dictatorship. Destroying the economy and infrastructure, Ethiopia, Eritrea reported back 30-40 years. The worst, most difficult and insoluble, that the colonial legacy has left Ethiopia, however, was the backward culture and its corrupt leadership. Certain characteristics of the Eritrean culture of which we were proud of, such as discipline, honesty, strong work ethic, initiative, creativity, self-hate and dependency, gave way to corruption, fraud, laziness and dependence on 'alms During the colonial rule of Ethiopia, especially in urban areas.
Ethiopia has been able to maintain a more developed country and most advanced, Eritrea, under the yoke of his rule for forty years, mainly thanks to the support of major world powers, primarily the United States and later, the Soviet Union . The enormous support that Ethiopia received prolonged the Ethiopian colonial domination and suffering the people of Eritrea and made the price of independence was much greater than would be otherwise. This unlimited support to Ethiopia on the one hand and the isolation of the Eritrean revolution on the other, led us to rely solely on our own resources and has stimulated the imagination and ingenuity in all fields.
It is no exaggeration to say that this has resulted in the establishment of the liberation struggles in the more developed world, which contributed greatly to nation-building Eritrea. The struggle for liberation of Eritrea at the beginning is not well advanced. When, in 1961, the Eritrean Liberation Front (ELF) began armed struggle has interpreted the wish of the Eritrean people. However, prospects ELF and the method did not favor the unity of the people of Eritrea, they were useful in building the nation and the success of the fight. ELF
The fundamental error was to indulge in the divisions of the Eritrean society along ethnic lines, religious and regional divisions instead of fomenting such encouraging the mobilization of all Eritreans. There have since been tragic political developments in Eritrea, however, the tendency to exploit the differences in the Eritrean population and quotas for small political gains and to play well and narrow-minded cultural attitude has not disappeared Eritrean politics. Those who have used up to this kind of politics of division were the Ethiopian rulers. Realizing that it could not defeat the Eritrean people with bullets and fire power, were not spared, until the day of their flight, to sow seeds of discord between the Eritrean people, putting one side against the other.
sixties burned mosques, and churches were spared. Then they tried to exploit the inhabitants of the lowlands, creating fictitious divisions with other Eritreans. We are continuously applied in their divisive politics to the lowest levels of society, creating conflicts between villages and even among people within the same village. The Movement for the Liberation of Eritrea in particular and the Eritrean People's Liberation Front (EPLF) have been able to counteract the intrigues the Ethiopians and Eritreans of their employees, cultivating nationalism and unity among the people of Eritrea.
The EPLF has generated a field of struggle in which all the Eritreans who were opposed to colonial rule and were eager for independence, could participate regardless of their religion, language, ethnicity, class and type. The EPLF has become a common home for hundreds and thousands of Eritreans who came from urban areas and rural regions of the plains and the plateau and from more distant locations. He fed the nationalism of the Eritreans and laid the foundation for national unity, excluding all the attitudes of division and narrow-mindedness. He has taught, practiced and spread equality among all citizens. In all its policies and activities, the EPLF has grown inclusive nationalism and unity of the Eritrean people.
Through a history of one hundred years of colonial experience and especially from their historical activities, the people of Eritrea has become a nation composed of many ethnic groups, languages \u200b\u200band many cultures. The journey of nation building is long and complicated. Although the basics of Eritrean nationalism were planted firmly in our struggle long for liberation, should still be completed. The population of Eritrea, whose unity is rooted in a long tradition of peaceful coexistence and harmonious, and was reinforced by the long struggle, is one of the populations joined together companies with similar social structures.
As a result of this unity was achieved victory and then peace and stability prevail hours nell'Eritrea independent. The establishment of the Eritrean government of this unit reflects and reinforces broader. We briefly explored the centennial history of the Eritrean people. During that century, the natural history of Eritrea has stopped people from colonialism. The Eritreans have experienced the colonial oppression, including the worst kind of fascist racism. Unlike other colonial peoples, the Eritreans were denied the right to independence.
Moreover, while the similarly oppressed people who led the liberation struggle, was getting a broad international support, the Eritrean people was obliged to conduct its own struggle against an enemy internationally supported. This fight was considered by many observers as unnecessary and reckless. Eritrean people has emerged victorious from this trial difficult. The heavy firepower has not weakened on the contrary has hardened and strengthened his resolve. He earned Only in this way the independence and sovereignty.
In several countries in which they were conducted national struggles for liberation, independence was followed by conflict and civil war times. In Eritrea, however, thanks to strong national unity, developed with the struggle and a mature political management, peace and stability have prevailed. E 'was established a government of broad and popular support for a period of transition. Transitions are often difficult, but Eritrea is quickly finding solutions to problems encountered during this period. With high hopes, the country is geared towards the difficult challenge of developing a modern society and stable. To say that the Front Eritrean People's Liberation (EPLF) gave the greatest contribution to the great victory of the Eritrean people, you only declare a historical fact.
As already mentioned, in Eritrea, the armed struggle was in a state of crisis and so close to defeat in the late sixties and early seventies. The one that gave new life to the struggle, was the establishment dell'EPLF. It 'was the EPLF that has implemented the revolution. Challenging and addressing the military campaigns, supported by the Soviet army's largest black African (Ethiopian army) has made an historic final military victory, established a broad national front and made participation People a reality, organized a referendum so that independence was the result of a free and legal Eritrean people and not a mere military victory: it has laid solid foundations for the independence of Eritrea and its international relations.
The EPLF successfully achieved the basic objectives for which began: the peace and independence for Eritrea. As Liberation Front has accomplished its mission with an undisputed success. The EPLF, though, has never sought independence as an end in itself, but rather a prerequisite for the development of democratic and modern society in which justice and prosperity were the predominant elements. Considered that the EPLF is a political organization that embraces all members of the Eritrean population and is suited to 'units as well as rich in experience, and' by believing that he has the ability to make a major contribution to the development of Eritrea. However, this new chapter and new challenges awaiting require new organizational structures, new mechanisms and guidelines. This new structure can not be separate and apart from the rich experience of the past.
must be built on the strong foundations already established dall'EPLF. Should inherit and improve the policies and practices proven by the events preceding and at the same time, avoid the weaknesses and imperfections past and current. Must develop political programs, organizational structures and working procedures that are appropriate to the new demands of this new chapter. The new structure should consider the nature of our society, of its developmental stage and the lessons learned from previous experience as well as experiences faced by high in the third world.
allow this new structure is to become constructive and fair to the needs of this new phase, must be the result of a movement broadly, encompassing all patriotic and democratic Eritrea, as an alternative to a type of organization with a restricted basis . Most of the members dell'EPLF have a strong commitment in the advancement of the country, for whose independence has been severely beaten and then killed it is natural that they become an active part in the movement, like others who love the country and its people, but they were outside dell'EPLF due to developments of the liberation struggle or other reasons.
During this new phase of building the political, economic, social and cultural life of the nation, while we are building a political movement broadened to effectively drive our future journey, we must clarify our basic objectives and means of achieving them. We emerge victorious, despite all the difficulties and dangers, because as the liberation movement and as a people, we had clear vision and common goals of independence and peace, today we have a progressive vision of Eritrea and its people and is of the utmost importance that such a view comes in the hearts and minds of all Eritreans so that it can be organized and groped to make
2) Our vision of the future un'Eritrea
What we want, as a nation and people, at this stage? Since we converted the dreams of peace and independence of yesterday in fact, what we want to convert dreams into reality today? In short, what is our vision? Our vision is that Eritrea is turning into a country where peace, justice, democracy and prosperity prevail. Our vision is to eliminate hunger, poverty and illiteracy by Eritrea. Our vision is that Eritrea retains its identity and uniqueness, develop a commitment to community care and the family, and moving forward economically, educationally and technologically, will pass between the developed countries. Our vision is that the Eritrean society is known for harmony among its different sectors, equality, love of country, humanity, discipline, hard work and love for knowledge, respect for law, order, 's independence and inventiveness. Our vision is to achieve the peaceful miracle of a nation under construction, as we did in the war of liberation.


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